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"Ed, are aliens true? I mean, really? Are they even true? We have waited for too long."

"Yes! Ann, of course, they are! We just have to be a little more patient. Let's wait for another day."

It was a quiet summer night. Two kids sat quietly on the soft, green grass. Waiting patiently. It was in the middle of the summer break.

Suddenly the two kids heard some footsteps.

"Wake up Ann! Ann! Did you hear that? Aliens! I heard them. I swear."

Ann quickly got up "Shhhhhh. You are gonna scare them. Where? Where are they?" Ann couldn't hide her excitement.

"Aliens?" a cold voice asked. "Aliens! I heard them. I swear." The guy mimicked Ed with a mocking voice. "HAHAHAHA. So funny eh?" A guy appeared. He was very tall. And much bigger than them. Ed thought for a while and acknowledged that they would probably lose in a fight.

Ed grabbed Ann's hand and started to run. "Where do you think you're going? Watch your step." the guy said laughing while blocking the way. 

"What do you want? Let us go. Jack." 

"I'm giving you a piece of kind advice: stop daydreaming and talking about all that bullshit every day. Kids. It annoys people like me... very much. Also, I like to harass little dumb things like you two." Wow, what a very nice advice.

Ed remembered Jack immediately, whom he met when they were in 5th grade, they were in the same grade. He was very mean but very popular. It's been a year or two since Ed last saw Jack. He thought Jack went to the school for rich people in the other town. He thought that he would never have to face him ever again. He thought Jack would disappear from his life. 

Now, he is going to start his 7th year at school, and yet there he is. Jack has interrupted his peaceful year. Again.

"Jack, I don't care about what you think. Just let us go."

Jack smiled thoughtfully and walked away, leaving both Ed and Ann both shocked.

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