One day before the school's destruction.

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𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 , 1𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫

What is love? Now, it's just a struggle. I know I won't be able to think clearly, my eyes are dark. But I know it's love. From the first day when I saw Maria, the new Greek girl in the neighborhood, my eyes twinkled and my heart started beating hard. If it's not love, then what is?
I pass through the quiet streets, the night has covered. My head is exploding from anger. If Alex got in front of me, I would blow his brains out and spread them on the ground. I call Mario, he is the only friend I can trust.
-Hey, what's up man ?
-Hey, Trev ! Long time no hearing from you !
-Sorry man ! But now, I need you. I need your help !
We meet at the park, near "The Pasific Lake" - as we call it.
-Man,- he sees me from top to bottom,- I have never seen you like this, what has happend ?
I take out a cigarette and light it up.
-Want one? - I offer one to him.
-No, I don't smoke anymore,- refuses Mario.
We get a little bit of silence.
-So, you are not going to tell me what's wrong with my old friend?
-Old friend? - I ask him with an essence of humor. But he is right, I have even forgotten my friends.-Man, I just broke up with Maria.
He gets a rose color on his face.
-Why?- he asks.
-She cheated on me. And take a shoot with whom?
He shrugs.
-The biggest enemy of my entire life : Alex Rivers.
Mario gets angry too.
-You are talking about Alex, that piece of shit who took your place in the school's basketball team?
I nodd nervously.
-Tell me, Trevor! Do you want to kill that fucking rich bastard? -Mario asks me the question I was asking myself since yesterday.
-No, my friend. He won't save that easy. He is going to live the hell in front of Maria.

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