Chapter 6: The Brawl

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Luigi: Pomni, love! I- I can explain!

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Luigi: Pomni, love! I- I can explain!

Pomni: ...

Luigi: Pomni... I'm sorry, I messed up--

Pomni: When I left the Car Park... I saw Meggy & the other Girls from a distance! Meggy was walking fine!

Luigi: But Pomni, I--

Pomni: You abandoned me and you lied to me... that 5 minutes lasted about 30 minutes!

Luigi: Can I please just explain?!

Pomni: No!

Luigi: Pomni--

Pomni: How could you do this to your Girl-friend?!

Luigi: I was gonna get them out of that Strip Club!

Pomni: Then, why does your Breath smell like Alcohol?!

Luigi: L- Love...

Pomni: *sniff* I thought you were my favourite Character! 😢

Luigi: ...

Pomni got out her Portal Gun and she opened a Portal.

Luigi: Pomni, wait... I love you!

Pomni: Goodbye, Luigi.

Pomni jumped in the Portal.

Luigi: P- P- Pomni...

And, the Portal disappeared.

Luigi: *sniff* N- N- No... 😢

Luigi started to cry.

Luigi: *sobbing* N- N- No... 😭


Mario: Ay, there he is!

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Mario: Ay, there he is!

SMG3: *panting* Hey... Guys...

Bob: Someone looks out of breath.

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