Final Chapter: The Aftermath

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Meggy: We're back!

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Meggy: We're back!

Emily: Mummy!

Meggy: Aww... come here, you two!


Gino: Yay!

SMG4: How was your Girls' Night Out?

Tari: We had a good time... we did a little sight-seeing and we had a few drinks at The Cavern Club.

Melony: It's where The Beatles played their 1st Gig.

Boopkins: Well, we had Domino's Pizza... didn't we, JubJub?

JubJub: Pizza!

Tari: That sounded delicious!

SMG4: Yeah, when I tried calling them... the guy who was working there, thought this was some sort of Prank call.

Tari: Eh?

SMG4: The bloke did have a Scottish accent.

Tari: Right...

SMG4: I did order online, after that.

Saiko: You should've done that, first... nobody calls to order, anymore.


Meggy: I wonder where the Boys & Pomni are... it's getting late.

Belle: Well, since we wait for them... me & Lucinia are gonna have one more Glass of Red Wine before we go Home and go to Bed.

Lucinia: Good plan.

SMG4: Well, I'm so glad that everyone has enjoyed their Nights Outs.

Boopkins: Except for you, you had to stay behind with us.

SMG4: Yeah... I had Poo on my Hands and I saw Boopkins snogging a Picture, whilst Taylor Swift songs were blasting at 10,000%.

Tari: *wheezes* Right...

Boopkins: The music wasn't that loud!

SMG4: I was being sarcastic.



SMG4: What the--

The others appeared.

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SMG4 Fanfic: Pomni Joins the Boys' PartyWhere stories live. Discover now