The Hybrid Dinosaur escapes all of them Escape from their Cages.

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As Asta, Benji, and Koji all tried to look for it, along with the other two and no such luck.

They all were fighting when they heard a new roar that sounded strange, not like any of the dinosaurs that they'd already heard or seen.

So, they all thought it couldn't hurt to go check out it. The watch tower was pretty close by, and they'd have a view over everything.

So, everyone was heading out of the room. When the radio went off Asset out of containment stayed indoors, and no one was to go outside. Stay indoors.

So, what will happen now? things will get started with the Dinosaur, I have been building up to it. And now the group has been bonding.

Inuyasha is scared of his cover being blown. He befriended Serena hoping to keep someone on his side. Benji and the others didn't see this as a big deal.

It's just a phone, after all. Inuyasha and Serena were closer now than before and she did come to his defense and told Reika to back off she believed him, and she was trying to be his friend and thought Reika just lost the stupid thing.

So, let's continue where we left off at enjoy.

So, everyone was heading out of the room. When the radio went off Asset out of containment stayed indoors, and no one was to go outside. Stay indoors. Repeating as the radio keeps repeating stay indoors. So, hundreds were told to get out of the public areas and head of the park closed half the resort. 

Meanwhile, Inuyasha and the others made their way towards the watch tower to see if they could get a better look.

As Asta turned around and said it was locked. Sky asks has anyone else noticed it was really quiet all of suddenly where is everyone? As they all tried to get a look around themselves on the ground and heard nothing, it was quiet. Reika told them to step aside. She picked the lock, and they all climbed up to the top of the tower. Adrian said can you please teach me that. As Reika said yeah later on, for now let's go. 

As everyone climbed the steps all the way to the top of its tower. "Oh...! Man, what a hike" said Serena" tried out. "You did just fine, great job, said Inuyasha" seriously behind her. As she smiled. "I am tried Indeed my water bottle where is it? As she noticed Benji drank her water. 

"Sorry, I was thirsty, Said Benji" blushing but admitting it. As she said Well did you leave a little? Asked Serena" annoyed. As Sky and Benji sort of shared it so it was gone. As she was about to attack them both. Inuyasha  handed her his water. "Here you can have mine...! Said Inuyasha" blushing but being nice. 

As she took hold of it and drank it. "Thanks, Said Serena" feeling better already. As He took his turn and took his own drink. As everyone was listening and checking out the sights now. "Hey, do you hear that? Asked Serena" realizing it. "Hear what? I can't hear anything? Stated Adrian" confused. 

"Exactly, It's too quiet...! said Serena" seriously. Inuyasha was listening now too. "She's right, something isn't right? The rides, from the amusement part, there all down, I don't hear faint screams from the coaster or the rides at all, nothing, it's silent...! Said Inuyasha" admitting it.

"Same, we should be able to see the rides moving even, and I don't even hear the speakers on right now, the voice or the music from the park, Says Serena" confused. "Why would the park be down? Asked Koji" confused.

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