The Truth comes out about secrets and the Lagoon.

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So, the gang had been through a lot, it was horrible practically being eaten a number of times. But then Serena also used herself as bait to get away from the bad Rex that just wanted to kill for sport.

But she managed to hide and escape it from its jaws of death, she did however get lost from the others, but she had faith in herself, but lucky for her, she had been hunting monsters for so many years as Sailor Moon.

She learned how to hide when it was the smart choice to do, and then she also did take those years in girl scouts as a kid, so that came in handy after all. But she had to admit, she is stronger than she uses to be.

But then she ran into her baby raptor her siblings were eaten by other bigger dinosaurs, so she was now a mother to a baby raptor at the moment who seems to be growing bigger than the rest of them, but she and the little thing did just fine on their own.

But then she found her old group again, she helped scare off some of the dinosaurs trying to eat her friends. So, there back together again let's begin where I left off at.

"Well, that should hold them for a moment, but we have to get out of here now...! Said Serena" serious tone voice. Before another thing could happen. Inuyasha just ran up to her and hugged her for once. She didn't even pay attention much she was in serious mode. Inuyasha hugged her himself. 

"Ah...! Inuyasha...! Can't breathe...! Whispered Serena" seriously trying to pull back. As he loosens his grip on her. "Sorry, it's just...! God, You scared the hell out of me...! What the hell were you think...! Your idiot you could have gotten yourself killed...! Shouted out Inuyasha" hugging her again. 

"Ah...! Nice to see you again too, and I had everything handle...! I thought you said you weren't a hugging kind of person...!? Asked Serena" confused and serious. 

"I am not a hugger, But I am happy that you're alive and that your okay, but also I am still mad at you for ditching us back there, have you any idea what we've been through...! Said Inuyasha" seriously. "Yes, probably the same as I have had for last night, wait...! As she stopped herself and looked around and started counting each one of them. 

"Wait, where's Sky and Adrian, did they get eaten? Asked Serena" seriously worried.

"We don't know, we got separated after we had to run away from some serious danger, So, we hoped they are alright, the last we saw of them, Sky and Adrian were heading for main street at the time to find help, Said Reika" seriously. As they now kept hearing warning Sirens going off. "The park is trying to get everyone off the island, Said Benji" worried now that he was hearing them.

As Asta told everyone to shut up, and let's get to the docks before we are left behind. "And how do we make it on time? we are practically on the other side of the island far away from the docks, Said Reika" serious tone voice. As Serena looked around and said would that do? Asked Serena" curiously pointing at a van.

Everyone was super excited and said yes. As Serena said she'd drive. As everyone got into the van. As the little raptor followed after her mother-like figure.

"Ah...! Serena...! what does it think it's doing? Asked Asta" pointing at the little raptor following her. 

"It imprinted on me, at the lab when it was born, remember, she thinks I am her mother now, I couldn't leave her behind, besides the others were eaten, she would not have survived on her own, I was hoping I might be able to get her strong enough to where she can raise herself, but I don't know how that is possible either, said Serena" seriously. 

"Serena, we need to get off this island, and Rasing it would take time, Said Koji" seriously.

As they said maybe she should let the fellow adult raptors raise it.

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