Survival and stress is getting to everyone.

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The campers were starting to find ways of survival. But it definitely wasn't easy either, there were times Serena wasn't around or the normal nonmagical kids felt like sitting ducks.

Serena had tried hundreds of times trying to create safety rules for them to live by and so they survive. It was stressful, and everyone once in a while got under each other's skin.

Inuyasha was still sort of treated with light insults by the others, but most of all, they all treated him like their personal guard dog. Serena's gift they just want to use her to help ward off other dinosaurs.

So, let's begin. 

After a few days after, they all found the bunker, and Serena and Inuyasha brought back food and clothes. Everyone was happy to have this safe place, but it wasn't the gonna hide them forever, or they might not survive forever.

As 2 weeks later.

As the others were basically out of food, but the girls were starting to worry about their own personal issues.

As Serena told the girls that they know how to get to the main street, where the stores are left, there is plenty of items for them to use. As the boys were forced to hold down the fort, the girls wanted a shower. 

As Serena thought about it, she knew the power wasn't on anymore, but there are showers that were down on the beach, when the island was open, there was the beach and everyone relaxing, she remember seeing shower tents. 

As Serena told the girls she'd go out and see if she could find a place for them all to wash up, but she told the girls no perfume's or anything that will attract their scent or a dinosaur might track back to their home base.

As they all shouted after her and said no, they all needed a shower, and they have been trapped down there in that bunker for over a month.

So, Serena said fine, but one has to stay here and they take shifts, a small team at a time, it's the safety rules for a reason, she made them to keep everyone safe. 

"As Asta asks who put her in charge, they never even voted for who should even be leader of this team. Koji said he was at first, but then she took over.

"I have been doing everything in my power to keep you ungrateful brats alive...! Shouted out Serena" angry.

"She's right, we've been busting our asses to feed you guys, to help clothe you, and trying to find a way to get off of this island, and still no has come to get us, we have been chased, and nearly stomped on 6 times...! and more...! with the close calls of being eaten, Said Inuyasha" seriously. 


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"Fine...! we will settle down for now, were sorry for being so testy with you both, it's just frustrating, you two have these strange powers and gifts, you two could survive here no issues added, but us, were just humans' trying to survive, Said Reika" honest with them both. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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