Survival on the island.

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So, the campers were left behind, they had tried their hardest to make it to the docks but weren't able to make it in time.

So, now that secrets are out and told, they all chose to stick together and find a way to survive on this island until recuse comes to help them. So, they all agreed to stick together and help each other out, and hopefully, no one gets eaten.

So, let's jump right into it. 

As it had been a total of 3 weeks later now since they all were left behind and a lot of running and avoiding deaths from the jaws of the dinosaurs mostly between Tyrannosaurus and then the 3 idoits ran into Dilophosaurus and that was dangerous enough, lucky for them Serena helped teach them how to use wood boards as shield to block their poisonous venom.

But Inuyasha did kill it to keep everyone safe there, his claws just ended it.

And the last Dino that seems to be hunting them the most was the one who seem to have a big grudge against them.

The Carnotaurus Toro, but then again, they did almost blow him up thanks to Serena's plan and them all working together, so that kept it at bay. As the group had to find somewhere else to go, somewhere safe to hide out or figure out a place to hide.

Because there were a few dino's inside the lab a few times, and it was too hard to get into a hiding place, and no thanks to Benji's dad who has a place on the island, but he changed the password, so not even Benji can get inside. 

As Benji and Asta both said they didn't care anymore, they were starved, so hungry they had been running for weeks, and these little berries they found weren't enough and they needed to find fresh water too, they could only use so much water from the pipes and now that the island was no longer power there wasn't much water anymore in the sinks or the pipes of the bathrooms.

As Serena thought about a place of meat and other supplies, she still had yet to go back there, she hoped not all the dinosaurs had gotten into it.

So, she said she knew where they could find some meat to eat for now or she'd find them something, she'd go out and find them something. As they all looked up at her and wondered what she was talking about. 

"I don't know if we can move our feet anymore. Said Koji" tried. "My feet hurt too, and I need food and water, Said Reika" seriously. "Well, there's food and drinks where were going, I hope the other dinosaurs haven't gotten to it yet, Said Serena" seriously.

As Inuyasha told them come on guys, let's go find some food and some shelter. 

"I don't know what we should do. But we should look into building a shelter but not on the ground, any suggestions? Asked Asta" curiously.

"Well...! we could build at the old campgrounds where we originally were, Said Reika" thinking about it.

"You mean go back to the camp that was destroyed by that thing? Indominus Rex thing? Asked Asta curiously.

"Yeah, I was thinking about it, said Reika, " seriously.

"She makes a good point, I mean, if you were going to come recuse a bunch of campers, wouldn't the camp be the first place you looked? Stated Inuyasha" agreeing with her.

"Alright, that settles it, Inuyasha's right if they come looking for us, camp might be a good idea, and it was smartly built into the trees, maybe we can fix it up on our own, it might not look as fancy as it did before, but we could find a way to get up high off the ground, Said Benji" taking leadership.

"Alright, that settles it, Inuyasha's right if they come looking for us, camp might be a good idea, and it was smartly built into the trees, maybe we can fix it up on our own, it might not look as fancy as it did before, but we could find a way to...

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