Chapter 5: I feel all alone

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I woke up the next day after getting no sleep at all last night. I slowly got out of bed, got some pants on and walked downstairs, into the kitchen to find Jade.

I've decided that in order for her or no one to find out i like her, i'm just gonna ignore and pretend i hate her. But i don't, quite the opposite actually.

"Good morning CC, oh and thanks again for the help with my cases yesterday it would've taken me 5x as long if i had to carry them by myself."

The whole time she was speaking i just kept my head down. I knew that if i looked at her i would break and say something stupid.

"CC?" She asked innocently sounding a bit worried. Again i just ignored her, grabbed my breakfast i made and went up to my room to eat in peace.

Jade's POV:

What is wrong with him? Did i do something to upset or anger him yesterday? I grabbed my water and toast and walked up the stairs, looking down, but as soom as i got to the top i bumped into a hard frame and spilt my food and drink all over him. Before i had the chance to say something the figure started shouting

"Hey watch where your going. You've just ruined my new $100 shirt!" I looked up to see Jake.

"Oh my god! Jake I'm so so so so so sorry i wasn't watching where i was going. I am soo clumsy! I really am sorry" I rushed out. I felt bad now. Just as i bent down to pick up the toast, plate and glass i felt a foot go into my rib and i fell against a door.

"Well you should watch where your going then shouldn't " he spat back at me before he left going down the stairs and into the living room. Two moments later i heard the front door open and slam shut. I knew it was safe to get up now.

What was his problem? In fact what what was all of their problems? I haven't done anything to any of them and they're acting like i have killed their goldfish and not said sorry or something.

Ashley and Andy haven't taken 1 look at me. CC was nice to me and Is now ignoring me and Jake's just being an ass. What is there problem?

Jakes POV

I slammed the door and then walked to the nearby park. I just needed some time to think. I've known this girl a day and spoken to her once, not including just now because I didn't really speak as much as shout at her. I can't like her...can I?

I know I haven't updated in ages and I'm sorry but stuff hasn't been good at home or school so bear with me
I'll try to update as soon as I can
I know this chapters bad but It's a filler chapter
Hopefully next one will be good
Jade on the side --------------------->

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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