chapter forty-three

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Chapter Forty-Three

2 Months Ago - Limbo

Esther Mikaelson woke with a gasp. Her pale hands clawed at her throat, wondering if any of this was real. As she looked at her sides frantically, her heart sank in her chest when the darkness she had known for centuries was taking her in once more. She could feel the weight of death hold down her very movements. She could recognize this wretched place from a mile away.

She stood to her feet, looking around for her husband. Perhaps her plan failed, but surely, Mikael's didn't. At least she would have a smile knowing that maybe one of her children was here too... that she did something to right her wrong from centuries ago.

"I believe your efforts have been in vain," she heard a voice behind her echo. She turned around fast, seeing a familiar face. Esther gulped, her hands turning sweaty in an instant. Backing up, she shook her head. "Your husband has already left, vowing to leave you forever as he should have when you sired that bastard a millennia ago."

Esther shook her head, an apology on her tongue. "Cora–"

"You've angered a mother today, Esther," Cora started again, cutting the Original Witch off. "And it wouldn't make a difference if said mother wasn't a Bennett witch yet... here I am."

Esther held her hands up, trying to bring forth a spell that would help her. "I never meant to hurt your daughter."

"Hurt?" Cora Bennett chuckled. "I saw my daughter today... my twenty-two-year-old daughter." With every word, she steps closer to the Mikaelson witch. "My daughter who hasn't lived a fraction of your daughter's lifetimes."

"I didn't–"

"There's one thing you should know about the Bennetts, Esther," Cora started, sucking in a deep breath. "Unlike you Mikaelsons, we don't tolerate traitors."

Esther turned around, looking both ways frantically. One by one, as witches started to surround her, she winced. "I only meant to right my wrong. Please... sisters."

"We are not your sisters," Esther heard another witch say behind her. Her back now to Cora, she watched as an army of Bennett witches surrounded her. "You were no longer a sister when you came for our family."

"Look at me," The angry mother commanded. Esther obeyed, her eyes filling with tears at the dozens of Bennett witches surrounding her. "When your skin feels like it's on fire and your soul never knows peace, remember that is because you took my baby from this earth before her time."


As Cora connected hands with the Bennett witches, they chanted, forcing Esther to her knees. She pulled her long-sleeved shirt up, watching as angry red lines began to appear. Soon her skin became hot to the touch, feeling as if she was being burned alive.

The heat started as a mere prick setting in her stomach, but as it grew, her entire body felt like it was being lit aflame. As the pain quickly became unbearable, she let out a heartfelt sob. She didn't have the voice, or the strength, to beg the witches for mercy.

"This," Cora panted as the spell continued. Esther withered in pain as her bones began to break. Her screams only magnified as they continued to chant. She rather peel her skin from her bones than feel whatever fire they were putting her through. "–is for Mina."

As her screams finally halted, Cora opened her eyes and watched as Esther Mikaelson started to fade away. Cora watched in content as her daughter's killer would have no chance at peace, for her soul had been banished to nothingness.

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