The Love of God

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The Love of God:

Did you know that Gods love is unconditional?

God is love. The love of God is greater than anything we can imagine. He does more than just love us: He is love itself. Its is only through His love that we are truly able to love others. Because God love us, we have nothing to fear.

[John 3:16,17] 16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

One of the most famous verses in the Bible, this passage describes the true nature of God in relation to the world, the fact that God is love and Gods loving extending past Israel to all people of the world. The word begotten is probably better translated as one of a kind or unique. Jesu is the One who is from God and therefore shares the nature of God. His glory is not just a part of God; He shares in the full nature of God. Jesus asserts He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe in the name of the only. Christ wasnt sent to judge the world, but to bring salvation. This is an expression of Gods incredible love. He was talking about the work of Gods Spirit that gives repentant sinners new life and so enables to enter Gods kingdom.

The power of Gods love

God love allow you to change and grow into the person He wants you to be. God loves you just as you are, but He also loves you enough to not let you stay how you are. He wants to see you grow and change for the better. He sent Jesus to die for your sins so this would be possible. When filled with Gods love, we can do and see and understand things that we could not otherwise do or see or understand, filled with His love, we can endure pain, quell fear, forgive freely, avoid contention, renew strength, and bless and help others in ways surprising even to us.

[2 Corinthians 13:14] 14. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

Paul reminds the Corinthians yet again that he intends to visit them soon and assures them that he is not coming with an expectation of personal gain. In fact, he wants to ensure that neither he nor his associates place any financial demands on the believers in Corinth.

What is the meaning of Gods love?

More than anything, the Bible makes it clear that Gods is love (1 John 4:8). He isnt just loving, but he is the very definition of love. He loves us because he created us. His affection is unconditional. He both generates and demonstrates love- and that love endures forever (psalms 100:5). The ultimate act of Gods love for us was when He sent Jesus, to die on the cross and resurrected Him three days later. God meets our deepest needs and the longings of our hearts. There is nothing that we could ever do to earn His love or stop His from loving us.

[Ephesians 2:4] 4. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith, he love us.

Only through His mercy and grace can we be saved, leaving no room for bragging. This also means all who are saved, Jew and Gentile alike, are part of the same spiritual family. There is no cause for hostility between believers; we are all unworthy, and all saved by the same kindness of God.

Here are 5 points on the Love of God

Gods love for you is unlike any other love there is. Guaranteed. He is the author of love. While we cant fully wrap our minds around Gods love, the Bible says a lot amazing things about it. In fact, you cant go too many pages in the Bible without seeing a beautiful expression of Gods love towards his people/

1. Gods love is sacrificial:

Jesus laid down his life for us so that we could be free from the bondage of sin He left his throne in heaven to live among people who would reject and betray him. This is one of the things that really separates Gods love from ours. He knew that we would betray him over and over again and choose ourselves over him, but he still laid down his life for us. Can you imagine that Jesus would do so much for us despite our unworthiness? He doesnt wait until were good and perfect to love us. He loves us so much that while we were still sinners, he died for us. Thats amazing.

2. Gods love is steadfast:

The Hebrew word for steadfast love is Hesed. It refers to loyal, faithful, and convent love, interestingly enough, when I did a search on Bible verses about Gods love, I noticed that steadfast love was mentioned many times. Gods steadfast love directly relates to his unchanging character. His covenant love toward you never fails or wavers. His promises to love you and thats exactly what hell do. Sometimes I sit and think about how grateful I am for Gods love, honestly, I dont deserve it but he loves me anyway. Theres nothing you can do to earn more of his love or lose his love. Regardless of where youve been or what you have done, he loves you. He is faithful towards you. Even if you dont choose to love him back, hell still love you.

3. Gods love is prefect:

Gods love is absolutely and completely perfect. While we have experiences with love, our love is far from perfect. Its tainted by expectations, conditions, and the ups and downs of life. Sometimes were in love and other times were out of love. Gods love is the only one that cannot be tainted. He is the definition of love. Its his character and nature while our love is not perfect, we can grow in love as each day goes by. We look towards him to define love as we walk in his footsteps. The truth is , we can read all the books and take lessons from the best mentors but God is the only one who can transform our experience with love. We cant find the answers were searching for about love without him. Its impossible. If youre struggling to love, look to God to teach you how to do it well.

4. Gods love never fails:

Gods love for you will never end. Once again, there is nothing you can do to lose his love. Youre never too far gone to receive his love. He wont stop loving you no matter what. He made a promise to keep his covenant love towards you and that is what he will do. You can rest in that truth. Hes never going to leave you or forsake you. If youre running from him because of thing you have done, come back. His love you wont ever end.

5. Gods love changes us

Finally, Gods love changes us. Its only because his love why we can go from sinner to saved. His love redeems us from our fallen state and enables us to be clothed in his righteousness, we have eternal life because of his love.

How to receive Gods love?

Ask him to pour out his love on you and open up your heart and receive it. Its gift you cant earn. You dont have to try to make yourself better or worthy to receive it, you just have to come as you are. His love transforms you, not the other way around. These truths about Gods love are life changing. Take a moment to really sit and ponder what they really mean. Think about what your savior, then youve already responded to his love. But if you dont know him, what will you do in light of the love of God has for you? Ill tell what I did and what I choose to do everyday. I choose to live for him. He didnt have to love me and Im definitely not worthy but Im glad he does.

Morning Glory By Kimberly Barfoot Where stories live. Discover now