Chapter 15

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Lisa Pov

I woke up feeling heavy and I think I will have a fever anytime soon, but I force myself to be productive today. I get up and stretch my body before a yawn escapes in my mouth.

Last night was the tiring but memorable day ever since it was jane first birthday. I'm happy and content looking at her enjoying the company of those people who love her.

"You wake up early" I smiled and remembered what she said last night. It's really blurry to have a future with jennie.

"Jisoo has a meeting today" I said. It was true that jisoo has a meeting today and since I am her personal secretary I should be there, I should be the first to arrive at the company and not her. She always complains about that to me but what should I do? Jane is a clingy baby and she will cry if you don't cuddle with her.

"Lisa" I hummed in response. "Sorry, I didn't make it on Jane's birthday" She added. I smile at her and think of what I should say to her. I don't want to ask her a question since I already knew the answer maybe casual talk would do.

"It's ok Jennie. You should say sorry to Jane and not to me" I can see hesitation in her eyes but nevertheless she nodded.

"Jennie" This time I am the one who called her attention. It may be the right thing to do since we had no relationship and she had just recovered her relationship with her ex.

"Hmm" She hummed in response. Our attention went to jane when she cried. I was about to run towards her but jennie defeated me. She lifts up jane in her arms and soothes her which she successfully did.

"Look baby, she stop crying" Jennie cheerfully said. I was surprised to hear her call me baby but what surprised me more is to see her genuinely smile at me, her gummy cheeks are showing that I wanted to squeeze it.

"Y-yes she stopped" Why the fuck I stuttered? This is fucking frustrating.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't make it on your birthday but mommy promise to get back to you. What do you want?" I smile and decided to let them have their bond. I went to jennie's walk in closet to pick my office suit, but jennie appear behind me.

"Baby, Jane wants to go at the park" She said. My heart beats frantically again hearing her calling me baby for the second time this morning. I looked at her and she was busy making jane laugh and our little one is giggling and her visible growing teeth is on display which made me smile. She's growing too fast.

"Who wants to go at the park?" Jennie said in her baby voice and raise jane arm. I chuckle looking at them but I got too invested looking at them that I didn't notice jennie and jane are looking at me already.


"Oh~Sorry, I have work, jen" I said and she pouted then look at baby jane.

"Mommy just wants to get back to you baby and to dada but your dada will go to work" She said to our little one which made her arch her mouth and about to cry and she really did. Jennie immediately sooth her but jane won't stop crying.

"Ok, let's go" I said and get jane in jennie arms then gives her multiple kisses before I throw her to the air and catch her after.

"Yah!!" Jennie slap my arms and get jane to me. "Don't do that again Lisa! You might slip your hand to her! It was too risky!" She said and glared at me. I say my sorry to her and she just give me her attitude.


Jennie put all their foods at the blanket while lisa was looking at jane who keep trying to stand up. They are already at the park and lots of family were doing a picnic in the area, someone recognize Jennie and took a picture of her with a caption....

The Ceo of Kim Corp. are having her time with her family. I didn't expect that Jennie Kim already had a daughter.

This post circulated and spread rampantly. This receives negative and positive feedback on Jennie's personal life. Jisoo was trying to contact jennie but she don't know where to start because she have no contact with jennie.


Lisa pick up jane and went to jennie who still busy putting their snacks on the blanket.

"Are you not done yet?" Lisa ask. Jennie shook her head and heave a deep breath like she was doing a very hard task in her entire life.

"I think I ask too much food to mama myrna" Jennie said which caught lisa breath.

"What did you say?"

"What? I just say I think I ask too much food to mama myrna" Lisa gasp and cover her mouth which her daughter imitate her.

"You call the head maid mama myrna? When did you start addressing her like that?" Jennie eyes widen and lecture herself because of the slip of mouth.

Jennie always hears lisa call the head maid mama myrna, not to ask but jennie always set her attention to lisa. She always mind the latter activities and what she comes up to her life. She just pretending not to be care.

"I don't know, I just wake up in my sleep and I call her like that" Jennie reason out and averted her gaze to lisa.

Lisa got confused but shrugged off the topic. She sits beside jennie and took jane pacifier before she let the kid crawl. Lisa was confused by the sudden change of jennie today but maybe this is one of the latter antics to get back to her daughter but why she was tagged along with them?

"Let's eat baby" Jennie said and open those food that was inside the tupperware. She look at lisa and smile at her, showing her gummy smile which infect lisa and smile too.

"You look handsome lisa" Lisa clear her throat and averted her gaze. Jennie caught her with the compliment and she was more caught up when jennie held her chin and turned it side ways and their eyes met each other.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't there with you and our daughter to celebrate her birthday. I promise to get back to you and to Jane"

"But why I was included jen?" Lisa ask. Jennie cup her cheeks and smile.

"We made her together baby that's why I'm sorry. I neglected my part and that would never happen again" Lisa got confused but decided to shrug it off. She somewhat use to jennie sudden change of behavior sometimes. She smile and remove jennie hand on her chin.

"Just say your sorry to jane, jennie don't worry to me I understand you and you don't need to be sweet or be good to me"


"We don't have any kind of relationship right? And you are already in a relationship jennie so don't be sweet to me just focus your attention to jane" Jennie was hurt at first but confused when lisa added.

"Li-----Oh my god baby!"


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