Why me? | Andy Hererra

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Ciara Brown  |  Andy Herrera

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Ciara Brown | Andy Herrera

|Andy finds Ciara in a fire and decides to foster her.|


A house fire. Another house fire. Ciara Brown, a fourteen year old girl, never thought she would be in this position once, let alone twice.

The first time was horrific and traumatic as her mom had burnt alive and Ciara has always believed it was her fault because she couldn't save her.

Clara's life came crashing down before the age of twelve, loosing her mom in a house fire, loosing her dad and older sister in a car crash. She was placed with a foster family who treated her horribly compared to their biological daughter so she ran away.

When she got found she was placed in a group home and as time went on it got worse so her and one of the friends she made there who was two years older than her ran away and ever since then they have been living in an abandoned house.

Ciara's chest is tight, too tight, she felt like she couldn't breathe but that didn't matter to her because she felt like she was reliving the fire that her mom had died in and she needed to find her friend and get her out before she dies too.

All she could see was thick black smoke and from everything she had learnt about being a firefighter is that she had around twenty minutes to find her friend and get them both out before the fire is spread everywhere.

She can hear the sirens outside and people talking but she couldn't focus on anything apart from Mea, her friend. Ciara managed to find a broken window so she grabbed a chair and stood on it and pulled herself up slightly so she was hanging out of it.

Looking around, Ciara could see a firefighter looking up at the building a few meters away from her whilst the other firefighters on the scene were running around doing the things they have been ordered to do.

"Help." Ciara shouted as loud as she could, her throat burning from the smoke. The female firefighter turned to Ciara before running over.

The woman reached out to grab Ciara's hand to help pull her up but Ciara pushed her off.

"It's okay. We're here to help you." She said. Ciara heard the chair snapping so she lowered herself off it. "Hey, what are you doing?" She asked.

"The chairs snapping. Are you coming?" Ciara asked. "There's one more person in there about to be burnt alive. Little help?" She asked.


They were walking through the house when Andy stopped and grabbed Ciara's arm to turn her around.

"Hey! What's your name?" She asked.

"Ciara." She said.

"Ciara, believe me, my team knows how to rescue your friend safely. And it is not safe for you in here." Andy said.

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