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Hey I know it's been a while so I'm sure a lot of you have heard about the situation with Wilbur oh shit I really don't know how I feel about writing this story anymore the more and more shit that comes out about the dsmp member I started this book because I had a genuine fan but I don't want to support people who have done these terrible things hell I don't know about this book I am genuinely disgusted this whole situation and I don't know if I want to continue writing about them because c!wilbur was going to be a bigger part in the story but I don't know anymore I feel like I want to separate art from the artist but I don't know about this time

So where does that leave Me too I may discontinue or continue the story without these characters and the most likely option This book will go through the whole rewrite without dsmp characters there may be references in naming the constable still be the same idea different execution but beside that will be the only connection to the dsmp I am just so split on what to do

I was a big fan of love joy/Wilbur and seeing all the stuff that has come to light I genuinely am heartbroken, knowing somebody I supported could be so sick in the head to the things he did but with that being said once I come to do a decision, I will be back with an update feel free to leave suggestions and your own opinions

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