Walking Dead

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The beeps of a machine fill the halls. Lights flash by. It smells of bleach and other various chemicals. People's sobs, the scurrying of feet. Plastic scrubs rub together. There's a squeaky wheel.

I'm being moved around. A door swings open and is quietly shut. I'm alone now.

The white sheet covering me slips off as I sit up. My head is pounding like a jackhammer, my ears buzzing uncontrollably. Legs weak and numb, I stand.

I'm so skinny. No meat at all. Only tiny, flimsy muscles and bones. I penguin waddle to the door, trying to make sense of myself.

The door creaks open. I keep slowly moving. The halls are void of all life. A wet, plopping sound trails behind me as I 'walk'.

After I make a couple turns, voices. People chatting and consoling one another. I push the door open. Everyone turns and stares.

I stand here, in the doorway, my large intestine dangling out, the rest behind me.

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