Introduction - Lets go an Adventure

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Ice Age 5: Buck Returns

One million years ago, a unlikely herd was roaming the earth looking for a home to rest in, they were having a little trouble with finding one though because of the resent events (Continental Drift and Captain Gutt).

Shira, the saber-tooth tiger, was lied down at the side of a tree on the cliff edge. She was thinking about the new family she had just recently joined. “Where is Diego when I need him most". She left the subject alone and pulled her self up and rushed away back to the herd's camp.

Meanwhile with Diego:

He ran, ran as fast as he could to try and get away from Granny because she had been wacking him on the head with her wooden Cane. He then had suddenly stopped running because he had crashed into something or someone, he looked down to see what he had crashed into, he looked and he saw a silver furred tiger with black stripes, it was Shira. He quickly rushed up and stood awkwardly. “Oh, hey Shira, sorry I wasn't looking where I was-…". Shira quickly kissed him to shut him up. “…Going, Woah, where did that come from?" Shira looked at him for a moment then said “Oh, I just wanted to shut you up because I need to tell you something,". Diego looked at her like he was expecting some bad news. “So, what do'ya wanna tell me?" Shira didn't know how to put it, it was hard to say. “Well, Diego you know that Sid has his Granny and Eddie has Crash , well they have their actual family members and, well, I have found my brother Dean." Shira quickly explained the last bit because she still couldn't believe that she found her brother. “Shira, that's great news, where is he?" Diego looked around as if he would find him standing there, “Well, he's near a massive hole in the ground, in a cave under the ice but he has no one to keep him safe because just like me, he left the pack, so I said I would get you and the others to help him out, if that is okay with you?" Shira looked at him pleadingly.“Yeah, sure, when we gonna leave?" “Anytime you want as long as it's soon!" “okay how about at Dawn?" “Sure thing".

Dawn the next day:

The Herd had woken up from a night of slumber and had already set off to find Shira's brother.

With Shira:

Shira was walking in front of the herd, looking for the hole in the ground which whom her brother was in, she walked for 5 more minutes until she saw the hole. “DIEGO, ELLIE, GUYS, COME , I'VE FOUND IT!!!" Everyone ran to her side and saw the hole and as soon as they saw it they all said “OH...,MY...,GOD...!" Shira was curious to know what they knew about the hole in the ground. “What…?" Shira asked, “This is the way to Dinotopia, and, most importantly, Buck!"


Ice Age 5: Buck ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now