Whats wrong Shira?

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“Buck, who's Buck?" Shira wondered “Buck is someone who lives in the under-ground world below us, it might seem crazy but it's true, Peaches was born there." Ellie Explained.

Peaches walks into the conversation "That's right,I was..." "Sooooooooooooo... how do you know Buck?..." Shira asked. "Well 15 years ago there was this crazy wild weasel named Buck and well, Sid got taken by a dinosaur because he stole her baby eggs and raised them as his own, and well, Buck helped us rescue him, you would of liked him..." Diego Explained to Shira. "Right, thanks...Diego" They carried on looking for Shira' s brother.

The Herd walked on towards an opening in the Dino world, they looked on in awe with a few 'Woahs' here and there. Suddenly they saw a familiar weasel swinging from vine to vine towards them, Buck. Buck landed on the ground infront of them, staring them all down as he examined them "Mammals?, Is that you? With a few add ons" he said confused whilst looking at Shira, Granny and Louis. "Buck? Yes it's us, and this is Shira, Granny and Louis..." (Gesturing towards them) Diego Had Explained To Buck "Oh, pleasure to meet you mates, So Diego, is this your female?" He questioned Diego whilst gesturing towards Shira. Shira and Diego blushed and as Diego was about to say Shira interrupted him "Yes, I am and it is also very nice to meet you Buck, quick question, have you by any chance seen another male saber, preferably with my type of pelt but a bit darker?" Buck looked at her and smiled "Yes I have actually, he's just past Bone Creek, a dangerous place where all dinosaurs sleep, well at least the T-Rexs and a few others of which i'm not sure the name of" Shira looked at him confused yet scared "T-Rexs? You mean to tell us that my brother is near T-Rexs, he's probably been killed!" Shira yelled at Buck then started to walk away "What's up with her?" Buck turned to Diego with a questioning look "I don't know, she's been acting like that alot recently, I'll go after her, you go and we'll follow, I'll find you don't worry" Diego stared at Manny saying this then turned around to follow Shira before anyone could say anything "Ok, great we've already lost two mammals, we're going to have to start looking now before anything comes for us, let's go" Buck smiled and walked away with the remains of the herd into the Jungle Of Misery.

With Diego:

As I ran through the trees I thought about how Shira had just acted, it was strange because she never acted like that, only in the last two weeks, but she has been trying to stay away from me for that time to, I only see her in the morning and at night. I stopped between my thoughts when I heard something, it was a sound... a voice, a female one. I looked through a pair of bushes to have a closer look, as I peared through I felt as if I knew the voice, it was a female saber but had a slightly darker pelt than me, she had emerald green eyes, like mine, she actually looked like me. I had enough of the mystery big this female saber, I jumped out and pinned her down "Who are you and why are you down here?!" I looked into her eyes as I asked this "Friona, And I'm down here because I saw a hole in the ground and I followed it" Friona pushed me off her and looked at me "Wait, do I know you from somewhere...?" She looked hard into my eyes until her eyes widened with either joy or horror "Diego? Is that you?," I stared confused for a minute until I realised something "Yes, I know you, your my sister? I think..." "Yeah, I am, I can't believe this, why are you down here?" "Because of my girlfriend, she wants to find her brother and apparently he's down here, but she seems to have stormed off and I'm trying to find her, you want to join me?" I asked with a questioning look on my face "Yeah sure, let's go" We then started walking away to hear a scream of not joy, but pain or a terrified scream. We ran in the direction of the scream to find a familiar someone in trouble, Shira.

Shira's Pov:

As I ran through the trees to try and get away from the beast (Dinosaur) I sense someone watching me so I look around to find the beast was still far away, I stopped running and got ready to pounce on what or who was looking at me, but as I pounced I got pinned down by someone, it was a female saber, and next to her was Diego "Hey, what do you think your doing?!" I violently pushed her off of me, but to my surprise I got a angered look from Diego "What's wrong with you, Diego!? As he walked towards me "What do you think is wrong with me Shira, you walked away from us in anger, You yelled at Buck, he did nothing wrong, did he say the wrong thing?" I walked towards him and started to speak "Ok, first, Who's she? And second, he did nothing wrong, its just I've been going through a rough time recently" "She's my sister, Friona, and what's bothering you?" "Its hard to say with people around..." Diego looked at Friona and signalled for her to go away "Only two minutes Friona, Please" "Ok, Two minutes max" Friona walked away for Shira and Diego to talk "So what is it?" Shira looked nervous "Well, this is serious, I've been having my alone time quite a lot recently and I've been having mood swings, I'll see if you can guess" Diego looked at Shira confused for a second then realised what she was talking about, She was Pregnant... "Your... (Gestures with eyes towards stomach) Wow" "Yeah, I am" "How long?" "Only a month at the most, so two months to go" Diego looked around frantically, "Oh my god, I can't believe it, we're going to be parents, we're going to have to get everything ready for when the kids come in two months time, and we'll need to keep Sid, Crash and Eddie away from them and.." Diego had started rambling on about how they were going to be parents, "Ok, mister, calm down, We can't tell anybody yet, Ok?" "Sorry, I'm just really excited, Ok"

Ice Age 5: Buck ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now