It'll be fine... hopefully

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Where we left off...
"So what is it?" Shira looked nervous "Well, this is serious, I've been having my alone time quite a lot recently and I've been having mood swings, I'll see if you can guess" Diego looked at Shira confused for a second then realised what she was talking about, She was Pregnant... "Your... (Gestures with eyes towards stomach) Wow"

Diego's P.O.V:

Wow, I can't believe I'm going to be a dad, I have never thought or even talked about parenthood, my mother died when I was three and my father had only bothered talking to me when he told me to go to my cave. Its going to be real scary.
After a moment of thinking, I was snapped out of my thoughts by Friona speaking, "Diego, its been over two minutes, whats up?" I looked at her, then at Shira, then to her again in a frantic, scared motion but also, with a smile..
Shira spoke up, " Its nothing that concerns you really, just news on my.... brother..."
I couldn't speak, I was so excited for mine and Shira's future cubs!

Normal P.O.V:

Friona had given Shira a confused look, she spoke again, "Okaaay... I'm going to pretend that I believe that and continue to walk, you coming?" Friona threw a questioning look to the couple, knowing that they'd come with her but asking them the question anyway, "Y-yes, lets go..."
The trio turned back in the direction they came from and walked and walked until they finally met the jungle of misery, where their friends where located.

Herd's P.O.V:

We had just reached the jungle of misery, it not being as creepy and mysterious as we remembered.
We walked ever so slowly through until we heard a rustle in a nearby bush.
Buck, thinking it to be a dinosaur and having lived with dinosaurs for most his life, readied himself with lotus berry juice to throw at 'it', he stood right paw in the air, holding a leaf cup of the with the juice in it ready.

Normal P.O.V:

A couple moments later, Shira had appeared through the bush, only to be hit with lotus berry juice, making her whole body go numb, and she fell to the ground.
Diego and Friona walked out to see Shira's numbed body on the ground and they both rushed to her side, Diego spoke, "Woah, Shira! Whats going on!? (looks around to see a very regretful and guilty looking Buck shrugging down besides Manny) Really Buck?! We have to carry her now! And this isn't good for her current situation!" Diego looked and sounded angry, but he also sounded annoyed, annoyed at the fact that Buck threw it at Shira, "You could have just looked over the bush, it would have helped!"
"I'm sorry mate, she startled us!"
Diego threw an annoyed but forgiving face to Buck and said, "Fine, you're forgiven!"
Manny had looked confused at Diego, "Isn't good for her current situation?! Why isn't it?!"
Diego looked terrified at Manny, he was scared, he didn't know what to say... "Urm...I-I-I, urm, She-She-She, urm... her brother c-cou-could b-be dead a-and she's... here like this!"
Manny had pulled an unamused face, "Yeah, that's not a good enough excuse!"
"Well, maybe Shira doesn't want me to say!"
Manny had given up, "Fine, ok... I'll respect her privacy then! Don't worry, She'll be fine... It'll be fine... hopefully."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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