26. Who is he/she?

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"Experiencing an abundance of joy, aren't you? But don't worry, it won't endure for an extended period,"

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"Experiencing an abundance of joy, aren't you? But don't worry, it won't endure for an extended period,"

the person smirked while reloading the gun. With precision, they aimed and fired at the center of the shooting board, featuring a picture of someone - or specifically, a picture of Akshita.

"Just wait and watch the consequences of your actions unfold. You'll soon rue the day you crossed paths with me, you naive woman."

The person shot twice more, the satisfaction evident in their sinister smile as Akshita's image faded away from the target.

The mysterious figure, draped in a cloak of darkness, possessed an androgynous allure. Clad in a black trench coat with a hat casting shadows over their features, they blurred the lines between masculinity and femininity. Glacial eyes, gleaming coldly, gazed out from the concealed countenance, adding an air of ambiguity to their identity. The ominous aura surrounding them intensified as they spoke, creating an unsettling presence. In one hand, they wielded a gleaming knife, a symbol of potential malevolence. The enigmatic persona left observers in a state of bewilderment, unable to discern the true nature of this shadowy figure.

As the individual departs, they raise their phone, speaking to another person on the call

"The next phase of our plan is set in motion. Everything is falling into place. She won't see it coming. Our revenge will be complete."

After an extensive journey, we arrived at the farmhouse

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After an extensive journey, we arrived at the farmhouse. It appeared deserted, with everyone likely still in the woods searching for the treasure we had already found. Since there was no one around, we entered the house to tend to my swollen feet.

Upon entering the living room, Abhi instructed me,

"Take a seat on the sofa. Don't even think about moving that foot,"

he declared, heading off to fetch the first-aid kit. I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics or his strictness.

After a short interval, he reemerged, wielding a first aid kit. Seizing a petite, portable couch, he positioned it in front of me, taking his seat with determination.

He ordered,

"Give me your foot,"

and, though hesitantly, I complied.

His stern gaze met my apprehensive eyes. Gently, he held my leg, placing it in his lap, his touch tenderly addressing the swollen area.

"Is it causing too much pain?"

he inquired. I shook my head and replied,

"No, it's not hurting as much now as it was before. It's better now; a bit of pain relief spray should do the trick."

He nodded, but out of the blue, he surprised me with an unexpected gesture that caught me off guard.

He brought my foot to his mouth, softly kissing the swollen part, eliciting an unexpected moan from me. The tenderness of his kiss sent shivers down my spine.

"M-maan, what are you doing?" I questioned, attempting to pull my foot from his grasp.

He shook his head, offering no response, and continued the seemingly torturous act.

After he finished, he gently placed my foot back on his lap and retrieved a pain relief spray from the first aid kit, applying it to my swollen ankle.

As he massaged the area, it felt so soothing that a soft moan escaped my lips, catching me off guard and making me feel a bit embarrassed.

He looked up at me, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, while I turned my gaze to the other side, attempting to conceal the blush creeping onto my face.

"Are you horny, baby?"

He inquires in a husky tone, attempting to playfully tease me.

As he made that remark, I responded with a stern glare, conveying my disapproval without saying a word.

After his comment, he remained silent, but his actions spoke louder. His hand moved up from my ankle, gliding smoothly against my skin.

I attempted to resist by pulling my leg back, but his grip was too firm and unyielding.

As his hand neared my thighs, he abruptly halted, withdrawing his hands and gently returning my legs to their place. Confusion filled my gaze as he stood up, stating,

"I'll check if everyone's back."

He left the living room, leaving me alone with unanswered questions.

Isolating myself in the living room, the familial clamor gradually permeated the atmosphere as the members reconvened.

"Oh, dear Akshu, what happened to your leg?"

Maa inquired, approaching me and inspecting my leg with concern.

"Ma," I said, trying to reassure her as she was worried looking at my feet.

" I just tripped on a stone, but it's nothing serious. It will get better with some rest."

I conveyed the details of my stumble and injury to her, and she responded with a concerned expression, inquiring if any remedy had been applied. I assured her that Abhi had already administered a pain relief spray and provided a massage to my foot. She nodded, visibly relieved, and recommended that I take some time to rest.

Later, we gathered in the living room, engaged in conversations and shared moments of joy. Following dinner, we dispersed to our respective rooms for the night.


So as I said short chapters

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