Chapter Ten: Love Hotel Shadows and The Truth is Revealed

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A few weeks after the meeting about labeling the large Shadows as part of the arcana, on the seventh of July, everyone gathered inside the monitor room as Fuuka was searching the city for any large Shadows, as she stood inside her Persona.

Akihiko: Any luck, Fuuka?

Fuuka: ...Just a moment... ...I found it! I sense a strong presence!

Masato: So it's a Full Moon Shadow, then.

Junpei: Hey, we were right!

Ikutsuki: Or so it would seem.

Fuuka: It's located in Iwatodai... inside a building on Shirakawa Boulevard.

Ikutsuki: Hmm, Shirakawa Boulevard... They've been finding The Lost in pairs lately... Now I understand why.

Mitsuru: In pairs... ... ...Oh, I get it.

She said with a small frown knowing what Ikutsuki meant by pairs while Fuuka sent her Persona back and looked at everyone confused with the place.

Fuuka: Why, what's on Shirakawa Boulevard? I'm not familiar with that area...

Yukari: I've heard about it, but...

Masato: All I can say is... it's not a place for people of our age.

Junpei: Yeah, that's where all THOSE hotels are. That explains a lot! You've heard about 'em, right Fuuka? Where people go to... ya know...

He exclaimed with a small smirk on his face as Fuuka's eyes widened in shock knowing what the area was for, as everyone except for the two sweatdropped.

Ikutsuki: Nonsense... They're no different than ordinary hotels. The rooms are a bit fancier, that's all.

Junpei: Aw man, that's it?

Yukari: I don't know about this... Maybe I shouldn't go...

Junpei: You're just like a little kid, Yuka-tan...

Yukari: Wh-Whatever! Fine. Let's go. But this time, I want a piece of the action! So, who's gonna take the lead?

Mitsuru: I don't see any reason to change leaders now. And Yamagishi, I want you to handle support during the operation.

Fuuka: I'll do my best!

Akihiko: Alright, then I'll let you decide on the rest of the team. Let's do this.

He added as Makoto nodded and decided on groups before they headed for the hotel. But once they entered the hotel, everyone was split off in groups, consisting of Junpei, Akihiko and Mitsuru, who faced off the large Shadows that controlled the entire building, while Masato was running down the many halls in search of Yukari and Makoto.

Masato: Jeez... The Shadows must've known we're such a large group... Where did it send those two?

He mumbled to himself as he ran down the halls while the group of three were busy fighting the Hierophant Shadow.

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