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'I shouldn't have even come here in the first place... What am I doing?... I don't know what he wants with me, so why did I show up?...' I kept asking myself these questions as I made my way to the building.

When I first found that note at work, the signature was the part that stood out to me the most. A simple H in the corner. The handwriting was very neat, straight to the point, and was addressed to me so there was no mistake about it. At first, I was confused, wondering why a hero would want to meet with me in such a place. After a week to think this through, I still ended up here to see what this was all about.

It was late at night, and the weather was a bit chilly, but here I stood in front of the correct address an hour after the note said to be there. The location itself was somewhat hidden, and it was easy to miss if you didn't know where you were going. Walking around for a bit, still keeping my distance for a little while longer, the property seemed to be completely abandoned.

Curiosity got the better of me in the end, so I chose not to turn back this late. Looking both ways before crossing the street, I made my way over to go inside of the place. Putting a hand on the door, it wouldn't budge. It was locked no matter how much I tried to pull on the handle. The lights were off, and it seemed as though nobody was inside.

"Hello? Is anybody in there?" I called out after knocking on the door a few times, earning no response.

Taking a look around, I noticed how the grass was overgrown, but there was a noticeable disturbance in it as if someone had been here and walked around before I had arrived. This wasn't surprising to me as I expected to see this, proof of that person having been here before me. Making my way over to follow the path of footprints, I was careful with the low lighting to avoid walking into anything. I ended up at the empty parking lot, but nobody was here. I set my stuff on the ground next to me. Without going any further, I stood in place, unsure of what I was expecting to happen.

'I'm hoping that me showing up late like this made him tired of waiting, and he's gone away already. But... Will he try and contact me again after tonight?'

My back was leaning on the wall of the old building as I watched and waited for any sign of even the slightest movement. I shivered slightly when a cold breeze suddenly passed by, the low temperature making me regret not wearing something warmer. Despite this, I continued waiting. Looking at the note one more time, I confirmed once more that I was right where I needed to be and put the little paper away in my pocket.

After a minute of nothing happening right away, I decided to leave.

"Maybe I should just go back to my apartment. I still have a lot of files to sort through and update anyways, it's cluttering my dinner table." I shrugged, picked up my bag, and turned around to start heading back where to the path where I came from.

A sudden rustling sound behind me made me turn around to see who was there. It was Hawks. He had just landed with his wings still outstretched on either side of him, making me immediately stop in my tracks. I've worked together with him on a few cases in the past, but this was the first time that he's wanted to meet with me somewhere privately. Seeing what he was wearing, it was also the first time that I had seen him out of his normal Hero outfit as I took a moment to wonder why he was in his civilian clothes when meeting up with me.

"I honestly didn't think that you'd still be here." I walked towards him after dropping my stuff down once more. "Now I can ask you directly. What exactly do you want with me?" I asked bluntly when he turned his body to face me.

"Right to the point, I see. Isn't it obvious?" He asked me, tucking in his wings behind him.

When he spoke to me, I immediately took notice that there was something wrong. There was no hint of his playful tone was used to hearing from him.

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