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Sun's head felt like it was pounding with the amount of thoughts going through his mind...he needed to find Moon...he had too...he had always been afraid that Moon would become one of those monsters that Eclipse set loose to the world...and it appeared it was coming Sun entered the bunker, he saw Moon on the ground, seemingly in pain... "Moon...?" Sun nervously approached his brother, only to be greeted with a (what looked to be) rotting face of metal... "GET OUT! GO!" Moon screamed at Sun, as Sun backed away slightly...he knew his brother and Solar were working on a cure...but it seemed too late for Moon...he was already in the final stages of the infection anyways...Sun heard Earth slowly walk into the bunker... "'s too late, there's nothing we can do but lock Moon in here..." Sun's voice sounded sad as Earth nodded a bit in understanding... Earth was the healer of the group... Monty had already been infected, which took a toll on Earth...Lunar had barely survived an attack from Monty too, as if Lunar didn't have enough trauma...Sun snapped out of his thoughts as he and Earth exited the bunker and locked it...

Sun woke up with a gasp of was just a nightmare...yet Monty was still infected...Sun got up from his cot on the bunker and saw Moon on the cot adjacent to him...Sun sighed and tried to fall asleep...but couldn' he got up to go check on his other siblings...Earth was asleep...Lunar was asleep too...Solar...well...Solar was awake...though that was normal for him...Sun decided that he'd make another audio log entry...

WOOHOO PROLOGUE! I'm so happy to start writing this! I love it!

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