0. party girl

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prologue — party girl

 prologue — party girl

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°°. HONEY GARCIA FELT dread sink into her stomach as she looked at herself in her vanity mirror. It wasn't because she felt self-conscious or anything of the sort, but rather because she knew for a fact that she would come back absolutely hammered and most likely go through her regular drunk-cycle that consisted of throwing up and feeling like she'd been hit by atleast fifteen trains. Now one would think she'd avoid going out drinking if it bothered her that much, but that just wasn't Honey. She drank because she could, she wasn't an lightweight and she would make sure everyone knew that as she played different drinking games with them.

She almost felt regretful when putting on eyeshadow over her eyelids. Keyword being almost. She knew it would most likely make her look like a raccoon later on in the night, but in the moment she couldn't care less. So, she continued on drenching her eyelids in the dark colours, her dark angel suit already on as she was only fixing the last details of her appearance. She found it necessary to always fix small details just before you left, because in her mind it somehow brought it all together better. Made it look more well-put in a way.

Honey was a pretty girl, she knew that. And she used that to her advantage every single day. Looks took you a lot longer than you'd think. And on a night like this — Halloween — she would be sure to use it a lot more than usual. Hot guys in masks was all she thought about as she wiped lipgloss over her lips and smiled in triumph at her mirror. Pleased how it all came out.

"Honey! We have to leave!" She heard Jessica's voice on the other side, banging on the doors as she spoke.

"Coming!" Honey shouted back, looking around her room before taking her small purse filled with lipglosses and one singular gun. She had learnt the tough way to always carry one around.

She raised from her seat and walked over to her door, opening to see Jessica and Sam outside, Sam's arms lovingly wrapped around the blonde as they smiled at each other.

"Kill yourself." Honey deadpanned sarcastically, the two turning to look at her with amusement over their faces.

"Don't be jealous, Honey." Jessica grinned, making Honey roll her eyes and turn around to stuff her feet down in her heels.

"I'm not jealous, i'm envious." Honey smiled sarcastically again, making Jessica giggle while Sam huffed out a chuckle.

"You look like a homeless, Samuel." Honey stated as she now stood to her full length, staring at the couple in her doorway. Jess had dressed up like Honey had, her body covered in a nurse outfit whilst Sam stood behind her in baggy jeans and a regular jacket over his sweatshirt.

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