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Name: Thais Knight (played by Selena Gomez)

Age: 16

Likes: Angles, Nice Guys, Singing, dancing, Laughing

Dislikes: Cheeters, Liars, being bored

Siblings: Kendall ( but has never seen him)

Crush: Logan

Bio: Hey. I'm Thais. I'm really excited right now!!!...why you ask? Because my friends and I just got signed to be in a band! Our producer is THE ONE AND ONLY... Gustavo Rocque! He says our band name is the Flying Angle...which is good for me cause I like Angles... LOL.

Name: Sophia Rockland (played by @/countofkendra)

Age: 16

Likes: Singing, dancing, Being Random, Pie, Pandas, Beanies, Green eyes Dimples, sweet boys, Rockers, Goofing off

Dislikes: Haters, Insecure people (cause those who ARE beautiful...your a cover girl/Guy), cheeters, liars, Being up-tight

Crush: Kendall

Bio: WAZZUP!!! Mah name is Sophia and I like pie. But you knew that! Haha. So my friends and I just got signed to a record deal... Like, people loving you, the spotlight, hopefully hot guys. Yeah... pretty awesome. Yep

Name: Rose Sandia (played by Ariana Grande)

Age: 16

Likes: Singing, dancing,Being crazy, laughing

Dislikes: boring people, Haters, cheeters, stupid people, people who doubt her

Crush: Carlos

Bio: Haaaaaaaaaay. I'm Rose and I'm super excited. I leave for Hollywood pretty soon. Why? CUZ WERE GONNA BE FAMOUS!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! OK I'm done.

Name: Rachel(Ray) Thomas (played by Lucy Hale)

Age: 16

Likes: Hot Guys, Washboard Abbs, Just plane performing, Being awesome, being loved, friends, hair, nails, looking Hot

Dislikes: Looking like crap, being ignored, not being loved, Not Getting What She Wants, Liars,cheeters

Bio: Hey I'm Rachel. I obviously enjoy my looks...but it takes time to do all of...THIS...but otherwise I'm pretty perfect! Gotta love me. I'm pretty popular, too...but I love my friends more than those whores. Lol. And guess dream is finally coming true!!! I...I mean WE are going to be famous!!! Me and my friends are officially in a band called "the Flying Angle" it sooo cool. I can't wait to go to Hollywood!

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