Character con..

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Name: Logan Mitchell (played by Logan Henderson)

Age: 17

Likes: Being smart,sweet girls,being occward,being funny,singing,dancing,friends

Dislikes: Haters,Wanna-bees,being bored

Crush: Thais

Bio: Hey, its Logan. So recently this girl group came...and I'm not sure how to feel about them. In a way I feel my self attractive to one of them...but were supposed to not like them...right...?

Name: Kendall Knight (played by Kendall Schmidt)

Age: 17

Likes: music,guitar playing,singing,dancing,Beanies,plaid,friends,keeping things stable

Dislikes: being lied to,dishonesty,heartbreak,hate-filled words,stress,feeling depressed

Siblings: Thais (but never seen her)

Crush: Sophia

Bio: Sup,its Kendall and I just saw the most disturbing thing ever...Another girl group. Yeah,I can't believe it rather! why do we need one anyways. its annoying. Sometimes all I think Gustavo cares about it the money. and not our feelings. did you the way he defended THEM! GEEZ! I don't...I just don't know...

Name:Carlos Garcia (played by Carlos Pena Jr)

Age: 17

Likes: kittens,being funny,crazyness,corndogs,helmets,singing & dancing,pranks,being sweet

Dislikes: being hated on,being used,LiersUsed, Liers, Sad People, Being Sad

Crush: Rose

Bio: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY Senor Carlitos here! Even though im sick to my stomach right now...IM SO HAPPY! Dont know why...but I am!

Name: James Diamond

Age: 17

Likes: Himself, Hot Girls, Being Awesome, Hair Care Products, Cuda: Man Spray, Singing & Dancing, Cheeseburgers

Dislikes: Not Being Noticed, People Who Think There Better, Being Out-Awesomed

Crush: Rachel

Favorite Color: Purple

Bio: Hi Im Diamond...James Diamond. I just saw 4 of the hottest girls EVER! I mean, the other guys think there bad news...but I find it AWESOME! Well...if they dont want then...theres enough James to go around.

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