Chapter 2-Meeting The Dogs

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I was just sitting by the pool with the rest of the guys when I got a text from Kelly:

Kelly: Hey Kendall! Get the guys and come to the studio...its something very important.

Me: Ok...see you there.

Kendall: Come on guys, Kelly wants us at the studio.

Guys: Ok

Then we left for the studio.

Rachel's P.O.V.

We were searching for our appartment now...and got lost a few times...but in no time...we FINALLY found it.

Rachel: Ok *puffs out air* Heres our appartment!


Sophia: exactly does one get lost in a simple hallway?

Rachel: Hunny...that wasnt simple!

Thais: Yeah...really.

Rose: *laughing*

Sophia: *slaps her in th head lightly*

Rose: Oww.

Sophia: OH, that didnt hurt!

Rose: *rubbs head*

Rachel: *looking at phone* Hey guys I got a text from our manager.

Girls: *crowd round phone*

Kelly: Hey Ray! Can you and the girls come to the studio?

Me: Sure...see yaaaaa!

Kelly: :)

Rachel: Lets go girls. She wants us at the studio.

Girls: Ok.

~At the Studio~

The Guys' P.O.V.

Kendall: Why did Gustavo need us? I thought it was our day off?

James: Maybe its a new song

Logan: Or a new dance

Carlos: OR....maybe a nuclear powered robot took Kelly's phone and texted us to come here so it could distroy us and eat out brains!

Kendall:....the fuuuq...what chu been drinkin'?

Logan: Im sure its just a minor sitafect from the time that he sniffed glue in Kindergarden...creating some kind of weird thing that created the Carlos we know today.

James: HEY! I did that too! point exactly.

Gustavo: DOGS! Take this song and study it in Studio B. NOW!

Guys: Ok *takes song and runs*

Girl's P.O.V.

We went to the studio and Kelly said that we had to wait outside for a second. Then Gustavo came out and said...

Gustavo: are my girls

Girls (except Thais): Hey

Thais: Hello, Sir

Gustavo: Hel- Oh..wait did you say sir?

Thais: Yes sir...or...or is there another name I should call you?

Gustavo: No, there is no problem with it! So, are you ready to record some sooongs with me...THE Gustavo Rocque!

Girls: Yep!

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