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Angelic POV

Angelic POV

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I jumped out of my sleep hearing my girlfriend Ivori yelling, sighing and slipping on my teddy bear slippers I hurried up the stairs to see her and Pressure were arguing

"What the fuck is going on?" Bumping through the girls trying to be messy I asked Lolly knowing she would know

"This big ass bitch just hit Lexi and now she acting scary" Lolly turned to me before going right back to yelling with Ivori

I walked up behind her whispering in her ear

"Baby what's going on?, it's too late for this" She instantly turned around to me I could see in her face she was mad

"Her ugly ass hit Lexi and ran now this bitch don't want to come out the room" She huffed loudly her fist balled up as she talked to me

"You already know she don't wanna fight so just wait till in the morning okay?" With a eye roll she turned back around yelling for a few more minutes I grew more irritated

Finally I snatched her arm before I pulled her down the stairs I let her say one last thing before brining her to our room

"This big for nothing ass bitch scary dead homies ima catch her in the morning"

"Why the fuck you pulling me like that?!" I was taken back cause how is she mad they woke me up I could've stayed home

"No don't try and get mad at me I barely pulled you y'all bitches arguing all night it's 1 am and you just won't stop" rolling my eyes I took my slippers off laying in bed listening to her run her mouth

She got in bed wrapping her arms around me but I pushed them away hearing her smack her lips I bit mine trying not to laugh

"Angel stop playing with me right now" she flipped me over so we were face to face

"How am I playing with you?"

"Cause you just pushed my arms and you know I lay on you to sleep" her face forming into a pout she reached her arms back out this time I let her lay on me

"Mhm crybaby"

The Next Morning

I woke up before Ivori so after I brushed my teeth I ended up going upstairs to talk to Isaiah but he also had pressure with him

I personally had no problem with her but if my girl don't like you neither can I

"Ohh hey Angel I was waiting for you to wake up" he gave me a side hug smiling

"Hey boo after last night I had to sleep in just a couple extra hours" He nodded we started talking until Pressure cleared her throat

"Heyy pretty girl" she finally spoke up I contemplated before saying hi back

Soon all three of us were having a conversation

"Yea I really have no problem with Ivori so I didn't even use my energy on that" I nodded as Isaiah walked off I decided to keep talking to pressure


Smacking my lips when I woke to Angelic not in the bed I got up and went into the bathroom starting my morning hygiene

I jumped slightly as the door swung open and fly Niy came in

"Why is Angel upstairs talking to pressure ugly ass?" She smacked her lips punching her hand in her palm as I shook my head

I'm gonna beat the fuck out this bitch pressure

"You lying bro my bitch not up there talking to her"

"On the dead homies she is go look bitch" I walked past her running up the stairs I look on the balcony seeing Angelic and the ugly bitch

Opening the sliding door I looked right at Angel

"The fuck you out here talking to this bitch for?" I rolled my eyes feeling myself get madder

"First off don't talk to me like that and I can talk to whoever I want too" She spoke back calmly making me huff I wasn't worried about her but this bitch Pressure been had her eye on mine and she wasn't about to get the chance

"NO NO NO not this bitch where the fuck yo head at dead homies you mad at me or something?" I grabbed her arm she snatched away ready to talk back but pressure cut her off

"Ivori me and her just chilling don't be mad cause you know she want me"

"Bitch you know I don't fuck with you like that you was telling me you wanted to apologize to my girl now you saying bullshit" Angel mugged pressure as I ran up on her punching her in the mouth before I could really hit her security grabbed me taking me to our room


"Baby I wasn't talking to her on that I swear" Angel pouted her arms wrapped around my waist as I stood in the bathroom looking on my phone

She had been saying sorry for that past hour but I want more than words

"Alright bro I already heard you show me you sorry"  I said purposely being mean to my baby I knew she wasn't on that with pressure but she shouldn't be talking to her at all

"Stop calling me broo I'm sorry baby" she started kissing my neck all the way to my spot then she started to suck leaving hickeys I bit my lip not wanting her to see the effect she had on me

"M-move Angel" she kept sucking my neck moving her hand into my shorts she started to rub my clit slowly

"I don't want to" I looked down at her wrapping my hand around her throat I pulled her into a kiss her fingers sped up making me let out moans in our kiss

"Fuckk mama I love you" I pulled away from the kiss moaning as my head fell in her neck she slipped two fingers in me doing a come here motion

"I love you too baby I'm sorry, you forgive me?" she cooed in my ear kissing my neck as her fingers sped up so did my orgasm

Not being able to get any words out I kept moaning as she sped up I gripped the edge of the sink

"Hmm?, I said sorry" her other hand holding my face making me look at the pout on her face I moaned out getting wetter from looking at her

"FUCK!, I forgive you baby Im c-cu"

"I know baby cum for me please" she pulled me in for another kiss before I could let out the scream I had been trying to hold back from the start I came on her fingers as she slowed down I layed my head on her shoulder

Angel pulled her fingers out my shorts putting them in her mouth sucking my juices off them

"You so nasty" I calmed down walking to our bed as I laid down she came in with a warm towel cleaning between my legs

"Only for you and I'm sorry baby but I'm sure I showed that" Dozing off to sleep I felt her get in the bed and wrap her arms around me I laid on her chest next thing I was knocked out sleep


Lol this is my first imagine I tried to do some smut hopefully it's good 🫣

Vote please and send it request 🫶🏼

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