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Angelic sighed looking at the time on her phone '2:37 AM'  another night no Ivori no sleep

She laid back down closing her eyes just to give it a try, sitting back up and rolling her eyes once she couldn't go back to sleep

"Damn I need to smoke"

Standing up from her bed and walking over to her tv stand she picked up her custom rolling tray of her and Ivori a pout coming upon her face looking at it

The couple had gotten into an argument last week leading to Ivori leaving now they both were sad and sleep deprived

Coming back into the thoughts Angelic focused on her backwood rolling it to perfection

As she got ready to light it her phone rung startling her she looked at the contact calling


She smiled quickly answering the FaceTime call seeing Ivori's sleepy mug

"We still beefing or what?" Ivori's soft but raspy voice came through the phone going straight to Angelic's dirty thoughts

"I don't know you still going to hoes hotel rooms?" She snapped back sassily making Ivori smack her lips as she drove to Angelic's house without her knowledge

She hated to feel like she was gonna lose Angelic especially since she didn't do anything with the girl

"Oh my god she invited Donyae and Me it was a kickback" Angelic peaked at the phone rolling her eyes at how good Ivori looked with the red light illuminating off her face

"Okay whatever and it's 3 in the morning where you going?" Angelic mugged the phone picking it up

"Man I'm on my way" Ivori smacked her lips hanging up the phone


Angelic sat excited and nervous on her bed she hadn't seen her love in a week no kisses, no sex and Angelic couldn't hold out much longer

She was so nervous she couldn't even light her blunt so she had now changed into a purple SavagexFenty set her white satin robe on top, she had her 'PartyNextDoor' playlist playing just for the mood

"Yea and my ass fat" Angelic gave herself a little pep talk getting cut short hearing the front door open

Rolling her eyes at her thoughts she forgot Ivori had a key duh they shared the apartment

Turning off the bathroom light she hurried back to the bed sitting on it grabbing her phone acting occupied

"You know you heard me come in that damn door" Angelic looked up at Ivori biting her lip at her appearance

She had on a red 'Big Ivori' sweater and some red sweats to match her hair in a bussdown middle part she had her lashes done her eyes looking even lower from her being high

"I knew who it was so I didn't get up" She shrugged as her girlfriend smacked her lips laying on the bed she pulled Angelic on top of her

A laugh escaping as she tried to keep her mad face on from the sudden action

"I miss you mama, what's going on?" Ivori was always sweet to Angelic and it definitely made people want to be a fly on the wall

"I miss you too baby" She instantly folded, Ivori wrapped her hand around her throat pulling her down into a slow nasty kiss as her left hand went to her ass gripping it roughly

Angelic moaned at her roughness that there was enough to make her cum pulling away from the kiss letting Ivori slide her thong off and throw it somewhere

"Come up out this" Angelic nodded her seductive eyes looking into her girlfriends she untied her robe taking it off she sat it on the pillows and laid on her back opening her legs watching her girlfriend crawl between them lust in her eyes

"Come onn baby" Angelic moaned softly and threw her head back growing impatient as Ivori left soft kisses on her clit just to be a tease

With no other words her girlfriend attached her lips to her clit sucking softly as moans came from her mouth missing the taste of her

Angelic gasped her mouth agape moans flowing freely, she reached her hand down trying to pull her closer into her

"Ohh my goddd" Ivori smirked sliding her tongue slowly from Angelic's clit down to her hole

She began tongue fucking her, her thumb now rubbing her girlfriends clit slowly

Angelic let out loud moans at the new feeling her stomach tightened as her orgasm approached

"W-waitt babyy" she cried out now trying to push Ivori away but her hands were quickly grabbed making her have no choice but to take it

"You must be cuming, trying to run and shit" Ivori pulled away replacing her tongue with two fingers now thrusting slowly into Angelic

"FUCK FUCK FUCK" She screamed out creaming on her girlfriends fingers and gave her chest heaved trying to catch her breath

"Mhm give it to me mama" Ivori spoke pulling her into a kiss and sliding her fingers out

Angelic pulled away reaching for Ivori's pants she let her pull them down along with her panties Angelic moaning at the sight she had been missing so badly

"Come on I want that pussy on me" Laying against the pillows Ivori watch her girlfriend straddle her making sure to slide softly against her clit

Angelic moaned lowly grinding on her girlfriend feeling her girlfriends juices flow out of the

"Shitt" Ivori smacked her ass biting her lip as moans slipped out

Angelic sped up smiling hearing her girlfriends moans get louder also did hers

"Just like that I love you fuck" Ivori threw her head back, legs shaking as she came that didn't stop Angelic though

"I love you more baby" Angelic slurred her head in the sheets as screams started to come out Ivori now rolling her hips with her

"OHH SHITT OKAYY MAMA" Angelic came harder at her girlfriend moaning out the nickname she loved so bad

She stopped her movements looking back seeing her girlfriends eyes closed

They both laid in a comfortable silence until Ivori looked over and kissed Angelic's cheek

"You did your shit baby" She spoke tiredly laying on Angelic's chest dozing off to sleep

Angelic kissed her cheek with a blush on her face too tired to talk her head laid against her pillow she fell into a happy sleep


Imagine 2🫣
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