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Sarai Coleman---

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Sarai Coleman

"Hey Alexa play... When We by Tank"

"Fuckk I love your tongue" Sarai moaned out, her eyes rolling to the back of her head

Ivori moaned her mouth attached to her lovers' pearl sucking and kissing it

Sarai squealed her cum falling all into the mouth of her girlfriend who gladly accepted it

"Okayy okay shit I'm done baby" She talked breathlessly to Ivori who had a mischievous smirk on her face

She didn't care about Sarai being done she wanted more

"Nah come on Rai we not done yet baby" Nonetheless she nodded wanting more of Ivori too she motioned her to lay on the bed

Crawling between her legs once she had laid down Rai wrapped her arms around both legs

Dragging her tongue softly against her girlfriend's pussy stopping at her clit she wrapped her tongue around it French kissing it

"Mhm just like that"  Her bottom lip between her teeth as she watched Rai below her

Sarai started to suck harder slipping two fingers into Ivori and thrusting them at a fast pace

"Ohhhh shit" A squeal left her mouth from the euphoric sensation that ran through her body

Her eyes hit the back of her head Rai still sucking her clit her fingers still moving at the same pace

Rai kept doing her movements sliding her other hand down to touch herself  she massaged her own clit slowly now starting to treat Ivori the same

Her fingers thrust with a slow come here motion moans leaving her mouth as she sucked the pearl of her lover slow and passionately

Ivori's hand smacked down hard on the bed, her head fell back, her mouth agape but nothing came out, Rai continued her assault soon her lovers juices started to flow and squirt

Sarai attached her mouth to her girlfriend's pussy catching everything in her mouth and moaning as she came on her other hand

"Rai baby moveee fuck" She shook her head continuing to suck sending Ivori into overdrive her body started to shake a plethora of loud moans coming from her

Sarai backed away flicking Ivori's clit until her hand was pulled away

"I love this pussy" She bent down kissing Ivori's lady part laughing as she was pushed away and Ivori closed her legs

She smacked her ass going into the bathroom wetting a washcloth till it was warm she hyped herself up in the bathroom mirror before walking back into the room to clean Ivori off

But Ivori had other plans she was in the closet putting on their strap-on

Not needing any words they exchanged eye contact Sarai walked over to the bed getting on all fours a deep arch in her back

"I hope you know I'm not stopping till I want to" She giggled a small smile on her face as she slid into Sarai slowly

"Ahhh baby" She hissed feeling her walls stretching out Ivori thrusted slowly letting her adjust before speeding her pace up

"Nah shut that shit up" She smacked her ass watching her thrust in and out coming out more slickly than the first time

Ivori thrusted faster pushing deeper into Sarai hitting her g spot every time

She put her hand back against Ivori's stomach in an attempt to push her back but failed

"Don't run from me baby I love your fine ass" Ivori talked softly and sweetly to her girlfriend holding onto the arm she had on her stomach

She pushed deeper smacking Rai's ass over and over until her body started to buck she let out profanities

She squirted back to back her cum starting to drip out while Ivori still thrusted at her pace

"What the fuckk"  Sarai practically screamed out not being able to think straight from the pleasure going through her body

"Why are you fucking me like thiss" Tears of pleasure now streaming down her face soft moans leaving her lips from her body feeling drained

"You done baby? hmm?" She stopped thrusting and started rolling her hips wanting to hear Sarai say she quit

"I'm done mama I promise" She chuckled softly and pulled out of Sarai her cum coated the toy making Ivori happy inside knowing she gave Rai the same treatment Rai gives her

She wet the towel Rai had grabbed cleaning off the toy before grabbing another one to clean off a sleep Sarai her mouth open and drooling

Ivori threw the towel into their hamper laying in the bed with Rai clinging onto her quickly a sleepy smile on both their faces as they drifted off to sleep with music playing low


Okay this is all I got lol I played the song and stopped writing when it stopped🧍🏽‍♀️

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