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I sighed calling Y/N for the 79th time tonight she said she was getting off at seven it's now 10:00

Plus we had a date but of course, those reservations are gone the minute I think I get my wife she's working she loves to work

Y/N being a real estate agent takes time so I understand but not when you're the one who's making plans when I could've spent my night in my boxers and t-shirt

I called once more hanging up after the second ring I hung up I went into our messages to check her location saying it was off

I called her phone again which was now going to voicemail

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING Y/N?!" I yelled into the phone irritated

She's saying I work too much and now the time we were both supposed to take off her ass is doing weird shit like this

I rolled my eyes, taking off my air forces and jacket to my sweat suit I lay in the bed closing my eyes until I could fall back asleep



"Gamo you're gonna have me in trouble girl" I shook my head as I sat at the bar with FarrahGamo, Sav, and Cuzzo

"I know I know I'm sorry it's just we've all been working ever since young and reckless we barely talked to each other" She laughed lowly as I nodded cause she was right but I did tell my baby that we should go on a date

"Okay I can only stay for 30 minutes so don't order too many shorts girl" I cut in as FarrahGamo ordered 16 shots of tequila from the bartender

"Okay 30 minutes we're gonna have you out of here"

4 shots turned to 5 and 5 turned to 15 also while 30 minutes turned into 3 hours

"Y/N Ivori is going to kill you bitch I told you not to be listening to Gamo" Cuzzo gave me some water as we both looked at the time that now said 10:48 PM

"Oh my god I know my baby is pissed right now look at all these calls" I drank the water letting Cuzzo scroll the 80 missed calls and FaceTime calls I got from Ivori

"Oop bitch she's yelling and she never yells at you, yea you need to be getting home quick" Cuzzo shook her head looking scared for me but I wasn't about to get my ass beat at least I hope not

"Okay I love you girl I'll call you" I hurried and ran out of her house surprised at how quickly I sobered up

I jumped in my Benz, started the car, and sped off wanting to make my 20-minute drive a 10-minute one

𝘛𝘌𝘔𝘗𝘛𝘈𝘛𝘐𝘖𝘕|𝘐𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now