Chapter 07

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Draco stepped forward. He began by sliding a hand over his cheek, admiring, as he had done hundreds of times before, the contrast between their skins. His hand moved to the back of his neck, playing gently with his hair. He knew Harry liked this. He had often fallen asleep with his head in her lap as he ran his fingers through her wild curls.

He swallowed and paused. He hesitated a little, afraid of spoiling everything. Moved by a sudden impulse, far from the control he was used to, he finally kissed his half-open lips.

The Slytherin had to use all his willpower not to devour him on the spot. Instead, he kept the contact light and gentle, to give Harry time to get used to it, to pull back if he wanted to. As much as he wanted to respect his boundaries, Draco couldn't help praying that he wouldn't back down. He had this slightly silly hope that with that kiss, everything would be resolved, like in one of those Muggle fairy tales that the dark-haired boy had introduced him to.

That's why, when he felt Harry's hands on his chest, his first instinct was to refuse to break contact. But as soon as the wizard put a bit of force into it, he agreed to back off.

He had hoped, for a second, that he would see love, relief... Instead, Harry's face was contorted with anger, a hint of disgust in his green eyes.

-How do you...? Don't you ever come near me again, Malfoy.

And without saying another word, the Gryffindor literally ran out of Hogwarts. And Draco just stood there, his arms hanging pitifully in the air, his heart definitely broken, a tear rolling down his cheek.

He only pulled himself together when he heard the first students leave the classroom. He put that impassive mask back on his face, ignored his screaming heart, his mind that wanted to chase him, and calmly made his way to his next class.

The rest of the day and the evening meal passed as if in a fog.

He slept little at night, alternating between dreams and nightmares. Sometimes he saw those happy moments with Harry. Others, the disgust in his eyes, the way he'd backed away. His anger, his rage .

-...foy... Professor Malfoy!

-Yes, Madam Director?

McGonagall frowned, before beckoning him to follow. So Draco walked behind her, content to follow the cloak that flew in front of him.

Lost in his thoughts, he only came to when the office door slammed behind him. The blond man had to make a superhuman effort to pay attention to what was happening in front of him.

As always, a steaming cup of tea materialised, along with some biscuits. He took the cup out of habit, breathing in the sweet touches. But the warmth of the beverage failed to warm his icy hands.

In fact, he felt as if he had died inside, as if he was no longer in his body.

The silence dragged on, as McGonagall sipped her drink and glanced at her former pupil.

It had already been over a week since Harry Potter's visit. And ever since then, Draco had looked pale and drawn, carrying with him an aura even more sinister than that of Professor Snape.

-What did he do to you?

-Pardon ?

-Harry... For a week you've been a shadow of your former self. What has happened to put you in this state?

It took the blond a few seconds before he realised. He hadn't even realised how many days had passed.

-I... Um...

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