Demonic Laughter

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Mabel's POV

"D-Dipper?" I whispered in horror. I let my arm go limp and stared.
Everyone behind me was also staring. Grunkle Stan had his mouth slightly open in shock, dread coursing through his eyes. Stanley's expression was the same as always, but his face was dotted with sympathy. Soos was just looking at him. I don't think the thought had crossed his mind yet.
His face wrinkled up. There it is.
For a few more seconds I looked at my still brother, as if staring at him could bring him back. I took a step forward, my hand reached out to comfort my brother. Then I remembered I no longer had a brother to comfort.
The idea was now fully processed in my mind.
Your brother is dead, and he's never coming back.
My eyes filled with tears before I had time to think anything else. I collapsed in sadness over my brother's dead body. I was bawling now, my tears streaming down my face like a river. "Dipper! This is all my fault!" I sobbed. "I-I'm sorry!"
Grunkle Stan stepped forward, but stopped. His eyes were also filling with tears, though strong he was, he was not invincible.
I rocked Dipper in my lap, hot tears still trickling down my face. My brother's angelic brown eyes were unsettlingly wide open. I placed my hand over them, and they fluttered closed. I smiled weakly, although acknowledging the fact that I would never be able to see his sweet, caring eyes again.
My smile faded.
I leaned down an hugged him, my vision blurred.
"Dipper, please wake up. I need you."
I closed my eyes and let my tears fall. I let out a shuddered sigh. I heard footsteps behind me as I stood up, but my eyes stayed shut as I welcomed whatever threat lay behind me. My life didn't matter if my twin was gone. Instead of hostile involvement I was greeted by not one, not two, but three pairs of arms wrapping me in a hug. I smiled slightly, and squeezed my eyes shut tighter, forcing more tears of my eyes. I looked to my right, where Stanley was holding me. I looked to my right, and saw Grunkle Stan supporting. I looked up, and saw Soos. I smiled. This was my home, and these people were my family.

[Time skip. Mabel's dreams.]

"Well, well, Shooting Star. Looks to me that you have a loss in the family."
A demonic laughter proceeded after the words. That demon was appearing too often for my liking.
"I don't want to talk about it, Bill."
"Aw, c'mon! Let me help you!" The triangle said in mock hurt.
"What... Could you possibly have... That could help me right now?!" I raged.
"Geez, kid. I was just going to say that I can offer you a deal."
"Oh yeah? What kind of deal?"
"A deal that would help you. Maybe even bring your brother back."
I was listening now.
"You see, he and I made a deal. I protect him, and he would do me a favor down the road."
"Well, you didn't hold up your end of the deal."
"And he never held up his. But however, I'd still like to enforce the deal. I want Pine Tree alive. You want him alive. If we make a deal, then we both get what we want."
"How do I know you won't just kill him again?"
"Look, the portal that you left open, it's basically a gateway between dimensions. Some demons come through, they cause trouble, et cetera. I wasn't the one that killed Pine Tree, a different demon slipped through the portal and possessed the weakest, most vulnerable creature he could find. Pine Tree, I'm afraid, was that person."
"How do I know you're not lying to me?"
"Have I ever lied?"
"Yes! What about when you possessed Dipper? You said you would him the password!"
"Shooting Star, I said I would give him a hint. Which, in the end I did, by smashing the kid's laptop. And I got my puppet. I never said what kind."
"So you just find a bunch of loopholes in a deal?"
"Exactly. No lying from this demon."
I sighed, and asked again, "What do you want from me?"
"Just a favor."
"We'll let that explain itself," Bill said, followed by laughter. He extended his arm, his black hands engulfed in blue flames. I hesitated, took his hand, and shook it.
"Come morning, Pine Tree will be good as new!"
I winced as he faded from my dream.
This is supposed to be good.
So why don't I feel good?

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