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I ARRIVED AT RITOU FEELING NUMB, I felt sick from how much I had been crying during my trip here.

I got down to the docks and had someone carry my luggage to the ground for me.

I looked at the familiar setting, remembering the last time I was here.

Someone who worked for the Kamisato clan recognised me and approached me.

"Oh, Y/n! It's been so long since I last saw you...are you here to visit Mr. Kamisato?" the older woman asked me and I nodded.

She carried my luggage and began walking with me towards the estate, and I could feel my stomach churn while I looked around at Inazuma.

After a while I finally reached the gates and walked through, my luggage was dropped elsewhere within the estate and I slid the front door open.

Behind a partition, I could hear him talking to an employee and I gulped the last bit of fear I had and walked further.

He turned to look at me and he was shocked, he could barely recognise me.

"Y/n! My dear you're back." he walked up to me and brought me into his arms, and I held back tears in his embrace.

"I missed you so much my dear, are you finished with your studies?" he asked me, he sounded excited, hoping I had finished them.

"No...I think I'll finish them here." I sighed in disappointment.

I looked up at him and I saw his face up close again, a face I could barely remember anymore since the only man on my mind was one I had to abandon.

I feel guilty, guilty that I had cheated on the man I planned to marry, I felt guilty over leaving Xiao at the docks without an explanation. All of it.
It was unfair Scaramouche had to do this to me, but maybe it was for the best I went back home to settle down.

He met my eyes and he leaned in for a kiss, which I had to accept.

I felt sour, this isn't the man I want to be with.
However, I had no choice.

He sat me down and he kept his hand on my thigh.

"I'm glad you'll finish your studies here...but why did you come here so suddenly?"

"Liyue isn't made for me." I frowned.

"Oh but Y/n...I saw you merely a few months ago when you came to visit, and you told me it was great...what changed?"

"The people...it's just not for me, but it's alright. I'm here now." I smiled softly at him and he held me close.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too Ayato."

He excused the employee out of the room and looked back at me.

"I'm so happy to see you again, this time we get to spend more time together." he held my hand.

"I'm happy to see you again too."

"I love you Y/n." he looked like he meant it.

"I love you too."


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