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it's been more than 10 minutes since he has been searching for my hat and gown

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it's been more than 10 minutes since he has been searching for my hat and gown. And I have been patiently waiting for it. "Are you gonna find it by today?"

I said in an infuriated tone. Which desisted him in his place. He turned around and glared at me. "Instead of helping me find out your stuff?" "You're showing me that attitude?"

"Hello, you're the professor, not me." "It was your responsibility to keep it safe." "You know what?" "The ceremony is starting in a few minutes." "I'm heading towards the hall."

"And dare you to find it out and bring it until then you ain't stepping out of this room." I said and was about to make my way out. When he howled out suddenly.


I turned around and looked at him, his hand holding onto my gown and hat.

Speedily walking towards him seized onto my stuff. started to open the packaging. Without making any delay. I wore my gown by myself.

"Well now give me the hat."

I said as he handed me the hat with a roused expression on his face. But I cared less about him. Instantly taking my phone out of my purse. I held the hand with one hand and the phone with the other.

Gosh, how do I wear this? I said to myself while keeping the hat on my head. But it somehow slither downwards. Before I could try again.

Jayce walked ahead and stood behind me. "Let me help you." "Nooo, I can do it by myself." "Sure until then we had to arrange your funeral." He said, to which my eyes widened. "What?"

I turned around and looked at him. His eyes weren't on me. Instead they were busy fixing the hat on my head. As I quietly watched him. He seemed way taller in front of me. That I need to uplift my head. "Ohh lower your head I can't fix the hat."

He said while gently making me wear the hat. "Here ta-da." "How is it?" He asked as I took my phone and looked at the screen. "Yeah, absolutely pretty."

"Thank you" , I said while glancing at the phone. "Wooo, Wait." "What did you say?" I turned around and looked at him. "I said thank you"

"Oh my", he said with an odd expression on his face. "Why are you so amazed?" "Well that word THANK YOU, comes from your mouth is amazing to me." He said while bursting into laughter.

Before I could do anything to him. We heard the  creaking sound of the door getting open. And there was Kathy behind the door. Now she was looking at us dementedly.

LOST YOU, FOUND HIM (a rediscovered love) Where stories live. Discover now