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Before reading do grabs tissues boxes! This part is really gonna be emotional 🫂, continue reading 🫶🏻

Before reading do grabs tissues boxes! This part is really gonna be emotional 🫂, continue reading 🫶🏻

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The door enclosed my gaze was lower. Revealing his shoes. There he was. I thought to myself and looked into his eyes. Just not to find him?

"Jayce?" I said as he smiled while looking at me. "Kathy, how come you're here at this hour?" He said as I thought and said to myself to confess to your brother, "Oh , I wanted to talk about Ryan's health. And give him his report."

"Then where are the reports?" He asked while glancing at me with scepticism. He is so clever!
"Uhm actually the reports are on my phone." "I wanted to meet him in person and tell him about the stuff." I said when he glanced at the bouquet.

A smile creeped through the ends of my lips. "And here is the flower for you." I said while handling him to them. "You have been such a great brother to Ryan."" If you couldn't convince him of his health it would have gotten worse." I said lying all the crap I could.

He smiled, as I looked at him. "Can I come inside?" I said as the smile on his face suddenly fades away. "Noo you can't! I mean you can." He said as I looked at him bewildered.

"Just come inside Kathy." He said as I walked towards the entrance. I could see a few new pairs of shoes.

"Is someone here?"

I questioned as he nodded his head. While I followed him to the living room.

As I saw two unfamiliar people sitting on the couch wearing formal clothes. My eyes widened when I saw all the house maids and chefs were standing in a sequence, their body was straight in the erect posture whereas their hands were on top of the thighs and their heads were lowered. Even the whole arrangements in the house.

"Uncle Mike and Jane meet my friend Kathy!" He said before whispering "Uncle Mike is my dad's brother." He said as I held a calm smile on my face. "Hello", I greeted you positively. Whereas both of them just eyed me.

Though I tried maintaining the smile knowing that was rude of them doing it. "Don't mind if they are acting up because of the situation." He said as I stood there understanding him.

But I was still demented about the maids and all the arrangements before I could ask. The weirdo aunt and uncle of Ryan stood from the couch. By the appearance of them it could be said they seemed equally superior as Ryan.

"I guess we have to leave."

"Noo wait, Ryan isn't here."

Jayce trying to stop them. We actually don't care about his presence.

"We came for my beloved brother "

Hearing them. I stood there emotionlessly. How come they are so rude?

LOST YOU, FOUND HIM (a rediscovered love) Where stories live. Discover now