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After three months

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After three months

A day before Kathy's and Ryan's wedding.

Halting the car in front of the gate, I looked at kaira. "Here is your destination." I said as she smiled. "Okay then,"

"You sure you don't wanna come inside for a few minutes?" She said as I shook my head. "I wish I could but granny's flight would be landing off anytime sooner. I need to pick her up and drop her at our house." "Then we have a meeting in two hours."

Hearing me her eyebrows raised.

"Wow that's sounds a lot of work."

"Anyways, good luck with your work. And don't pick up, I will get myself an Uber." She said while turning around her hands reached towards the door handle.

In second I held her wrist making her stop on her tracks. She turned around and looked me. "What is it?"

"Aren't you forgetting something?

"My kiss?"

I said, leading her to scoff.

"No, you're not getting it." She said as her hands again reached towards the door. Before she could unlock the door. I held a tight grip on her wrist tugging her towards me. And gently pressing my lips on her. Her eyes were widened but later she melted into the kiss. Her hands were tucked behind my neck. Deepened the kiss.

A couple of minutes passed as she pulled out for air.

"God, you ruined my lipstick."

"As I should." I said, leading her to hit my chest playfully. "Okay then, let me get inside and fix it before the event starts." She said while bidding a goodbye to her. I drove further towards the airport to pick granny.

After an hour,

My eyes were all glued to the gate. Hoping to see her anytime. But she wasn't here yet. A couple of minutes passed and I waited for her. But again there was no sign of her.

"Whom are you waiting for?" I heard a familiar voice. "For my granny." I said while still maintaining to look at the exit door. When suddenly I felt a hit on my shoulders.

"I'm here." Discerning about the voice I turned around and looked. "There she is Granny."
Jennifer Carter. "Ohh when did you come here?" "My eyes were all fixed on the gate." I said as she smiled.

"At this age your eyesight is weaker than me."

She said, making me chuckle. "Right, you have gotten younger than before." Saying that I wrapped my hands around her shoulders. She just shook both of my hands away from her.

"Thank you for bringing these bags for me." She said she paid those guys. Turning around she looked at me. "Keep all these bags in your boot space."

"I'm feeling jet lagged."

LOST YOU, FOUND HIM (a rediscovered love) Where stories live. Discover now