in the midst of bliss, there was you (chapter 2)

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You grabbed your things as you walked back to the dorm, dinner was swell. A timetable was provided and it was to stick to each dorm's doors. The activity listed was enough to have you excited, despite the tiredness still creeping onto you from the travelling and unpacking.

You laid down on the bed and stared at the bottom of the bed on top of you, mind lost in thoughts. You were finally here, away from your house and were about to do things you love, why does it still feel empty?

For years you have been trying to figure out what this void space in your heart is, as if your heart is crying out for mercy and you have no idea what it really wants to heal and be full, that frustrates you. You do suspect it's your unduly need for solitude that it left you all alone, you refused to acknowledge it further. Which also brings you to your interests in people. Men were never enough to capture your eye or attention, sure some were pleasant to the human eye, but none managed to capture your interest, let alone make your heart flutter, that scared you senseless.

Growing up girls around you were always gushing about their recent dates with their boyfriends, weekly gossip on which boy is the latest hot topic, you never found it in you to even try to care, you simply didn't. Though the suspicion was tiny there, it grew, pretty much slapped you across the face when you noticed you grew unnecessarily nervous around pretty girls, age be damned. Oh.

It scares you at first, with your parents and society's cruelty but then accepts it as it is for the sake of your poor heart that keeps racing at the sight of a pretty girl just merely looking at you and smiling. Gosh did that heart flip at that simple gesture. Found yourself laughing while tasting tears when you finally accepted it, it was liberating.

The suspicion was right, you craved for someone's attention, someone's undying and devoting love for you. Not just anyone, but someone that would just love you for you. That was the empty annoying void in your heart, you never dared to make a move, even looking at a pretty girl straight in the eye, damn it.

So lost in the depths of your mind, you failed to notice the voice calling out your name multiple times till you felt a hand on your forearm, resting on the bed.

You jumped slightly then glanced at the pretty doe eyes from earlier, looking at you with pure curiosity. "Hey, are you okay? You were kinda lost there" she said innocently, having no clue on the mini crisis you just had. "Oh sorry, I was just thinking about something" you briefly glanced at her "Is there something you wanna say?" you asked, wondering why she was calling out to you. "Oh yeah, I just wanted to tell you that the first activity changed the time to 9 in the morning, Miss Sarah just informed us a few minutes ago, I figured you should know since you were here alone" she said, all the while looking so breathtaking in her simple attire.

It really isn't fair, you think as she was just sporting a short-sleeved t-shirt and shorts with her long brunette hair flowing down her shoulders freely, lemon and lavender scent invading your senses, she smells good.

"Oh thank you so much for telling me" you said, flashing a little smile of gratitude and she instantly mirrored you, if not brighter. "You're welcome, I actually can't wait to start the activities tomorrow, it's what I've been waiting for to be honest".

You noticed how her eyes brightened when she spoke of her interests, very animated for a person, you like it but never admitting of course. "Yeah me too" you offered, wanting to chat more but you were sorta nervous, damn this silly heart be still and you were drained out by today, an involuntary yawn broke out.

"Oh you should get some sleep, considering that the activity starts a little earlier, sorry didn't mean to bother you" she said as she prepared to stand, both of you not realising she had accompanied the spot on the foot of your bed.
Realising you utmostly yawned at her face your eyes widened and spoke before you could stop "No! N-no it's totally okay, just a little tired from today, I'll see you tomorrow morning" you finished, looking a little embarrassed at your sudden explosion but smiled nonetheless (more to grimacing).

She looked genuinely surprised and was holding back a giggle as she bit her lip "Alright see you tomorrow" she then turned and walked towards her bed, her silhouette reflecting from the moonlight gleaming through the window beside you. You pulled the sheets over your head and tried your best to sleep, heart furiously beating against your ribcage, not knowing hers was doing the same.


By the time morning came, all the girls were getting ready for the first activity of camp, the sleep you had was surprisingly good, defeating the scale of your troubled sleeps the past few weeks at home. You freshened up and got ready and headed out with the girls to the field you all gathered on yesterday upon arriving.

Mr Wilson and Miss Sarah were already waiting there, clipboards in hand and bright smiles plastered this early of the day. Spirit there is. Mr Wilson began with how they were gonna tour all of you around the camp for the purpose of getting a close view of the flowers that were planted and note things down for later. You noticed there were various species of flowers around and the floral scent invading your nose, you love it. It was oddly comforting being surrounded by colourful flowers and delightful smells.

You were delighted to find your favourite kinds, white tulips arranged prettily on the right side of the patch. You fell in love with it at first sight, the one you saw in a store when you were nine. Later on finding out the symbolization of purity and respect was honoured by the white flower, you grew fond of it.

The tour lasted half past an hour and by the time you reached the benches of the designated, Mr Wilson assigned the first task. The notes advised to be taken earlier was to pick your choice of flower and sketch it. Not only by the visual but also by the symbolization and the mystery to the species of your choice. With your choice already in mind, you took the art block piece of paper handed to you and began to sketch.

It wasn't your first time sketching it as you were proud to admit, you were good at it. One of the many reasons why you're here. You began with all the other kids and took your time, doing justice towards the enchanting beauty of the tulip, though it deserves more justice.

You glanced around, noting that there were lots of roses picked, you wondered if everyone knew the different colours of roses symbolism, or was it just biased. The boy next to you appeared to have chosen sunflowers, it fit him, you think, bright coloured t-shirt and eyes brightening behind thin-framed glasses at the outcome of his own work.

The doe-eyed girl was parallel to you, hers were daisies. Your interest piqued at the rare choice and symbolism. Innocence, purity and true love. You wondered if the girl was surrounded by a lovely family and friends, as she seems to suit the choice she made, like a unique-shaped cloud appearing on a baby-blue sky, it's just meant to be there.

You continued your work, finalising the final touches and handed it to Mr Wilson whose eyes widened a little with interest. "This is undoubtedly beautiful, you're surely a talented young lady" he finished, flashing a bright smile at you which you mirrored, feeling a sense of victory at his compliment. It's lunch time by the time all of you were done and it was research after the meal.

All of you were given the resource to do a little research regarding the flowers you've chosen earlier today, study a little closer on necessary aspects because you were going to paint it tomorrow. You took notes on the tulip, though you know most by heart. After wrapping up the research and had dinner, you retired to the dorm and placed the notes in your bag, getting ready for bed. You fell asleep almost instantly by the peace today bright you, for the first time in a long while, your heart felt light.

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