(you're the rainbow after a storm, unexpected but breathtaking) chapter 3

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You were already sitting at the same bench, waiting for instructions to be handed out. Waking up early has complied to you, excited for activities waiting for you. Miss Sarah was handing all of you supplies for the painting, Mr Wilson busying himself with placing easels on canvas all around in a circle.

You all sat on your chosen spots and began to follow instructions, properly guided by Mr Wilson and Miss Sarah, you were appalled when you brushed the first stroke of pastel colour on your easel, the colour emanating prettily.
Though yours was a white coloured flower, you tested out many of them separately and adored every single one. You squirted a little soft green around the sepal, spreading it gently and it looks amazing. You were so focused your mind wasn't even paying anything else attention, other than your ears taking in the instructions from the facilitators.

By the time you were done, some students were still finishing up theirs and you glanced around, curious about everyone's work. The doe eyed girl was finishing up her work, attention so intent that her tongue was poking out a bit, as she painted the centre of the flower yellow. As if she sensed eyes were on her, she turned and directly looked at you, before flashing a bright smile and waved a little.

You were a little flustered but smiled a little and waved back. She glanced at your work and eyes lit up almost instantly 'amazing!' she mouthed, two thumbs up and the tips of your ears suddenly grew hot. You looked at hers and mouthed a few compliments back 'that's gorgeous'. She blushed a pretty pink, the colour dusted across her cheekbones and creeping down her neck, you were struck. With the sunlight hitting her face, she looked like a painting herself. One you could never take your eyes off, wanting to dive in the beauty.

It was almost dinnertime the time everything was cleaned up and all were retiring to their dorms, energy drained from today.

Days passed and it's been one week since you've arrived here. You contacted your parents once, after having finished washing your hands from the paint earlier, completing a portrait of a ravishing scenery. They sounded genuinely curious as to what you've been doing, but were soon diverted to the same old conversation of relatives being nosy and which son was to get married next month. You excused yourself after a few minutes, the reasoning of someone calling you worked every time.

Today all of you were to pair up in pairs and complete a portrait of mosaic art. All of you were lining up, waiting to pick a name from the dreadful box at the table up front. The universe decided it would be good to pair you with a certain pretty doe-eyed girl, yet to know her name.

She immediately made her way over, flashing you a bright smile that made your heart melt a little "Hey, it's you! I actually just realised last night that we don't know each other's names, I'm Yujin by the way, nice to meet you friend" she finished, a hint of coyness at the last choice of word, you decided to play along. Both of you shook hands with silly grins matching on your face.

Her name was beautiful, as was her voice and face. what can't she do? The both of you chatted away while completing your project, piecing together the small coloured pieces of stones, to a portrait of a mockingbird. You were right, she chatted with you as if you've been each other's lifelines since the diapers. You loved how warm and easy-going she was, which allowed you to smoothly continue the conversations, without any pressure.

Full name An Yujin, two years older than you, here to learn more on arts, loves to workout (explains the toned figure, not that you were eyeing of course) has a lovely white poodle Azzo, openly lesbian and has a supporting lovely family by her side. A literal human sunshine is what you'd describe her, bubbly and eyes brighter than stars. You feel this need to be near her, wanting to hear her ramble for hours.

You were intimidated, on how she's making you feel this peculiar string of connection, you crave more. In exchange you told her how you loved listening to music and reading, how you loved the raindrops noise hitting your window in your room, how your parents got you a book one time and you finished it in one sitting. You looked at her and you immediately saw how intently she was listening to you, as if you're the one here.

You somehow got flustered "Sorry, I don't really do interesting things like you probably do, just in my room most times" you mumbled, looking away from her.

Yujin placed her hand atop of yours that was resting on your lap, "Actually I love what you do, not everyone's like you. You seem to be an expert in movies and music, now I know who do I come to for recommendations" she finished, all the while looking into your eyes sweetly, smiling and you noted how she had these dimples emerging deeply on both sides, it was the most adorable thing ever. you felt the tip of your ears growing hot. What's wrong with me?

"Thank you for saying that, and of course I'll help you out". The shyness in your voice made her chuckle lightly and your heart did the flip at that. You're an unbelievable heart. Your interesting conversation was soon cut short by Mr Wilson appearing and collecting all your works.

Both of you did an unexpectedly good job, Yujin seemed to work well with you. You felt yourself smile a little at that and immediately stopped as you noticed her looking at you in amusement but turned to clean things up from the desk.

You escaped to the bathroom and composed yourself. She's making me feel things. Why am I like this? "God... help me" you mumbled as you ran your hand through your hair, prepared to leave the stall. The following days continued as you were assigned so many things and busied yourself into giving it your best. Somehow Yujin wanted to be partners with you through everything, who were you to say no? Especially not after the hopeful look she gave you through those puppy eyes, I'm doomed.

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