new SPC zero

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Hello everybody is your girl can you killer on this point I'm going to focus on the scp foundation so today I'm going to do their part just a little bit of it not a lot like yesterday who knows maybe be a long story or not.
Back to the SPC foundation.

The man's in black suits fill out the portal and living on the ground pretty hard but none of them was injured or nothing like that hang out with passed out they walkie talkies in a weapons was gone.

Dr .Joey side what happened to all of you you feeling a mysterious portal I think it's from another universe or something I'm probably from a Scarlet King he's the latest garlic cheese kill our members but not today this is weird and fascinating I must do the report on this.

Amanda black suit wakes up and look at Dr. Joey .

They all report they went to the mountain Eva.

They always stationed there because they have a tilt from two other people who said it must really attack her the man told on the show proof.

They want to make house and took a picture of both of them they gave it to the man's and bought suits one of the man's name was Johnny Johnny look at the picture and said I know you soon they've been on the TV show America got talent but I remember they got to replace because it didn't do good enough I hope they come back on TV.

I'm a man's winning the office and reporting on patient zero.

I also pay some zero they seen a woman who was behind them and look at her stomach and they predict she was pregnant my energy I want to do experiments and it's time to see her.

Miley and June side what was stationed up to mount Eva for 10 days we got there at day one we put the cameras like you said all over the underground but still we didn't find nothing we can't go that far are we going to be found out you put cameras on the ruins so anytime someone comes by tomorrow will go off.

The bosses of '05 members side so that's a fascinating so you telling me patient zero you sir I mean some type of power to pick you up and he knocked you out cold after and you telling me he's like your weapons all of them even your walkie talkies and drop you back off home like nothing happened I got to make patient zeros pretty cool to be anomaly.

Jacob side well 05 council patient zero is Mommy with powers of human DNA and stuff patients are out of the skeleton who lives in the mountains with his brother 059 that was my name the other anomaly.

And a woman or whoever she was down there with them she don't normally too we must capture all of them you do a scare of his ask your questions but

she said get out of her territory you
report it to us .

I want you to go back up there my friendly talk to us the woman get her name after that come report it back to us immediately maybe she'll be connected with patient zero anomaly who use magical powers anytime he wants without the consecration he also killed two of her man's back in the past he also run away from hills nightmares and also patient zero can't see the future and you asked me he'd be making more making us look powerful if we have him in our fields what are youth patient zero as our test subject against all our part anomalies you go against the Skylar King if you want to maybe something out there and also I seen the woman's face on the camera when I walked up to to the camera earlier.

Got a patient who have been missing from well I guess 20-24 or something like that but still she is the normally too and plus that thing what you said she had we need to do some studies about her and look at her stomach.

Maybe she is a cheat where we all need a cheese to get a reality back to the way it was it seems like patient zero have a connection with this woman I want you to manage to go back up there to mount Eve up and go talk soon kind of queen out the underground now.

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