Suburb Sunsets are Underrated

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Chapter 4

     "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

     The boy spun around, the shock leaving his eyes once he saw me. Realized that I was not only a girl but the same one who helped him off the fence. Now that pissed me off even more. I walked toward them, the boy still gripping Anthony's shirt. "I help you and not even 10 minutes later you pull this shit?" I said, pausing a foot or so in front of this boy.

    "What do you care? I'm just taking care of those little nerds" he turned back to my brother. I've gotta admit, that kid had a good sneer. He pulled the stereotypical bully off so well.

     "I'm serious, kid. Get your hands off my brother" I gripped his shoulder to pull him to face me. He tried to punch me but it's clear he's never been in a real fight before. At least a fair one.

     I watched him throw a few punches, dodging slightly so they grazed past me. I was impressed at his vigor, although he lacked physical form. His fist came barrelling towards my face, I saw it coming. I wrapped my arm around his extended one, stopping the punch before contact. My feet swept the boy's legs out from under him and in a split second, I had him on his back.

     "What's your name?" I said, my voice still as strong as before as I kneeled beside him, holding him down to avoid his still-swinging fists

     He stopped. The boy looked at me. I swear I could see ten emotions at once in those features.

     "Reese" he finally blurted out, barely getting the word past his lips.

     "Reese what?"

     "Wilkerson," Oh, that explained a lot, "Let me go!" where he suddenly pulled the aggressiveness out from again I'll never know. His palms shoved my shoulders in an attempt to throw me back.

     "No, you listen to me, Reese. I don't care what you do in life. But the second you lay your hands on my brother like that it's gonna be a problem for you. Understand?"

     "You think I care about you? You're a girl! I could beat you up easy"

     "We all know that's a lie hon," I released him, standing back up. "Get up," I said, looking down at him on the ground. I offered him a hand. As expected, he just scoffed at it.

     I turned to look briefly at my brother, and suddenly someone was on my back. In fright, my hand chopped aimlessly behind me. I hit something. Hard.

     I felt Reese's arms drop from my body. He stumbled back in circles, coughing briefly. The next thing I knew he fell to the ground. It was a Tom and Jerry kinda fall if I might add.

     Now before you go whining, I didn't kill him. I didn't even mean to knock him out or hurt him for that matter. It's just something I remembered from my karate days years ago.  Isn't it crazy what muscle memory can do for you, especially in a flight or fight scenario?

     "WHA- WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?" Anthony stood over the boy, mystified.

    "Are you okay, Anthony?" I ignored his question.

    "I think... but what about him?"

    "He'll be fine. He's just knocked out for now"

    "You did not just say that"

     "I..." I sighed, the shock finally starting to hit me "Listen I- we can't leave him here. Do you know the rest of Malcolm's family? Are they here?"

     Anthony nodded. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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