its just a scrape

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Angela- Sargent
Lucy- officer Lopez?
Angela- could I ride with u today?
Lucy- sure
Grey- watch commander, could I skip roll call, metro need me
Lucy- Mhm, also I'd prefer u just to call me Sargent chen
Grey- yes ma'am, thank you

Grey goes to metro and Lucy goes to roll call

Lucy- ok, listen up, everyone doubles up today, officer Lopez will be riding with me today so thorsen your with smitty today
Smitty- I'll tell him about my dreams of becoming a DJ
Lucy- I'm sure he'd love to hear it
Aaron- ma'am please anyone else
Lucy- officer thorsen your riding with smitty have I made it clear
Aaron- yes ma'am
Nolan- am I not your favorite officer
Lucy- no u never see, go on get out there, stay safe? Run towards the bullets as well, smitty I mean it, no slurpies as well

They get out and get a shop robbery

Lucy- it's 2 hostages and 1 armed suspect, male, white, black pants, blue top, looks to be around 40-45
Angela- do we go
Lucy- now *runs in* LAPD SHOW ME UR HANDS

He shoots at them and they shoot back, he scrapes her arm with the bullet , she shoots him in the stomach and calls it in and for an RA

Paramedic- Sargent u need to go hospital to get the stitched
Lucy- I'm fine
Paramedic- it's an order
Lucy- *jokingly* fine, make sure a hot nurse does it *laughs*
Angela- u are not having my husband
Lucy- if never marry a nurse no Offense

They get there

Wesley- honey what are u doing here
Angela- officer bad ass *points at Lucy* shot someone in the stomach wnd there egoing for surgery then to a cell
Wesley- *sees her arm* oo ur gonna need that stitched , I'll get one of my nurses to sort that out
Tim- Evers, your needed in surgery for a male shot in the stomach in a failed attempt of robbing
Lucy- dam he actually is going to surgery
Wesley- yep Sargent friendly shot him
Lucy- Wesley, ur gonna be the one in surgery in a min if u call me friendly again
Weskey- stitch up her arm
Tim- ok *looks st Lucy*
Angela- looks like u did get a hot nurse
Lucy- oh shut up
Tim- so Sargent what happened to ur arm
Lucy- it got grazed by a bullet
Tim- ur taking it very easy
Lucy- it's not that big of a deal
Tim- mm, *opens a door* ladies first
Lucy- yup *walks in*
Angela- what a gentleman *whispers* u like her
Tim- angels word with u outside pls
Angela- Mhm
Tim- *closes door* what are u doing
Angela- u like her
Tim- she's hot yes
Angela- I'll get Wesley to give u her number
Tim- bruh I'm 38 she's not gonna like me
Angela- oh, she's like 27
Tim- exactly
Lucy- *opens door* u 2 done yet, I'm about to stitch up my arm myself
Tim- coming
Angela- u wish it was in her don't u
Lucy- that's Inapropriate
Angela- it's true
Tim- Angela stfu
Angela- oo wonder how your boss will feel after u just told his wife to stfu
Tim- *rolls eyes* anyway miss chen let's get it patched up
Lucy- angela u didn't tell me they had cute nurses here
Tim-*blushes* there's many of them, like me
Angela- sorry Luce he's married
Tim- I'm divorced
Angela- my bad , his ex wife was Isabelle yk, firefighter Isabelle
Lucy- she was the one caught with Dr*gs and was arrested
Tim- yep, plus there's someone else on my mind
Lucy- since when
Tim- 2 minutes ago
Angela- it's u
Tim- might be u ms Lopez
Lucy- I'd like to speak to nurse Bradford alone for a minute
Angela- of course ma'am *stands outside*
Tim- so u single?
Lucy- Mhm
Tim- ur hot for a cop
Lucy- u try and say my officers are ugly
Tim- no, but ur the first who caught my eye
Lucy- uh huh
Tim- *finishes stitching her arm, places hand on her face *
Lucy- well tell me who u like
Tim- I'm more of a show u kind of guy *leans in and kisses her *
Lucy- well nurse Bradford, here u go *passes him her number  and whsioers* call me

They leave and drive back around the streets

Angela- he likes u
Lucy- I told u, I'm not the one to date nurses
Angela- but u want to tho don't u
Lucy- what? No
Angela- u like him tho in fact, u love him

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