the sleepover

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Grey- sorry ma'am
Lucy- Mhm, book him pls
Grey- yes ma'am *takes nosh to processing
Lucy- shall we go to mine *placing a hand on his chest*
Tim- sure
Angela- *walks over with Wesley* hey I heard u caught noa- ohh so your with Tim
Lucy- I did catch him and no were on a date
Wesley- good on u man
Tim- thanks boss
Lucy- anyway u 2 have a good night
Angela- I'd say u too but I think u will *winks*
Lucy- mm *walks away*
Tim- *follows*
Lucy- ok let's go
Tim- mk

They get in her car and she drives to her house

Tim- this is nice
Lucy- thanks it's something little for me and the dog
Tim- u have a dog? I love dogs
Lucy- ye little Jojo, kojo
Kojo- *runs to her wagging tail*
Lucy- hey baby
Tim- awhh he's so cute
Lucy- thanks *takes heels off *
Tim- *takes shoes off*
Kojo- *jumps up at Tim*
Kojo- *stops*
Lucy- sorry about him
Tim- it's ok
Kojo- *falls asleep on bed *
Lucy- its not too fancy so , but sorry about the mess
Tim- there's no mess
Lucy- I meant the mess in my closet I kinda threw evey thing on the floor to find this dress
Tim- well u look amazing
Lucy- *smiles*

They sit on the couch

Lucy- wanna a beer?
Tim- sure I have tomorrow off anyway
Lucy- no way, so do I
Tim- well maybe we could spend the day together
Lucy- mm *smirks*
Tim- *leans in*

They start kissing and then making out on the couch, he picks her up and walks towards what looks like the bedroom , they walks in and he places her on the neatly made up bed

Lucy- mm
Tim- u ok?
Lucy- I will be when your inside of me
Tim- oh rlly

They both take their clothes off and ykyk after 6 hours they stop

Lucy- mm it's 3.11am
Tim- that was fun
Lucy- yes it was

She cuddled up to him

Tim- well since we've already fucked then maybe i should ask u this
Lucy- go on
Tim- will u be my girlfriend
Lucy- of course I will
Tim- *kisses her*
Lucy- I would go for round 2 but u complete destroyed my legs
Tim- mm good to know
Lucy- didn't know nurses had such long cocks
Tim- they probably don't
Lucy- mm I got the chosen one
Tim- Mhm

They fall asleep cuddling and wake up at 10am

Tim- morning beautiful
Lucy- morning handsome
Tim- u ok?
Lucy- Mhm, my legs are still dead and your the only one who's ever done that
Tim- glad to know I'm the one princess
Lucy- ok well u need to help me to the shower cus I can't walk

He carries her to the shower and turns it on , they shower together and make out, she dries her hair and brushes it, she ties it up in a messy bun but It wasn't messy , she did her makeup and changed into a comfy outfit, tim luckily had a bag of stuff with him so he styled his hair and changed into some comfy clothes, they both brush there teeth and sit on the couch

Tim- *sniffs* mmm
Lucy- what
Tim- there's a lovely smell in the air like, lavender and jasmine
Lucy- that's my perfume
Tim- it's good
Lucy- so are these jeans, gosh I love jeans so much , especially with satin tops
Tim- ain't that what ur wearing
Lucy- yep

*𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔 *

Lucy- I'll be back *opens door*
Grey- ma'am can we come in
Lucy- ye sure

Angela, grey, Nolan walk in and sit opposite her and Tim

Angela- well we thought we should let us know
Lucy- what happened?
Nolan- someone stabbed Celina, a nurse stabbed her and she's in a coma as it caused so much damage
Lucy- what? Who?
Grey- that's the thing, we don't know who he is and Wesley said he's never known many of the nurses that worked there he just hires them if there papers look good
Tim- could I see I might know
Angela- ma'am?
Lucy- let him
Grey- *shows him*
Tim- that's nurse slant, um. Katrina slant
Nolan- thank you
Lucy- good job baby *kisses his cheek*

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