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They catch her and lucy was leading roll call

Lucy- OK LISTEN UP, officer jurez is not gonna be with us for a while, she may not come back but let's hope she does anyway, Nolan and thorsen your riding together u have s robbery case, shop was robbed owner said he didn't know anything about it, yet he was lying  ,Lopez your with grey today, u guys get a murder scene case and Harper your with smitty
Nyla- what?
Lucy- joking, your with me
Nyla- thank god for that
Smitty- hey what's wrong with me
Angela- u once quoted, why do women need tampons can't they just hold it , so
Smitty- well if a lady is pregnant and she goes swimming does rata make her a human submarine

At that point Tim runs through t the station into roll call

Lucy- nurse Bradford how can I help
Tim- a patient at Shaw memorial has just been strangled to death and we need to find them cus this is the 2nd time it's happened just this time we can see the hand prints on the victims neck
Lucy- EVERYONE GO, STAY SAFE, Harper grab the bags
Nyla- yes ma'am

Tim walks over to her

Lucy- ok come on u can ride with us
Tim- ok
Lucy- anyway how is my sexy man
Tim- good
Lucy- you'd make a great cop
Tim- I'm uh, training
Lucy- for what?
Tim- to be a cop
Lucy- ohh nice, anyhow let's go

They run to the shop and Harper puts the bags in the trunk and gets in

Nyla- ma'am once I have this baby co-could I go back to detective work and be a T.O when needed
Lucy- of course Harper

They get there and go to the body where Wesley is

Wesley- nyla
Nyla- wesbo
Wesley- Sargent *nods head*
Lucy- ok , identify him
Wesley- Andrew stuart, 82 , male, had dementia and he suffered from seizures
Lucy- ok *puts gloves on * if anythhifn we could pull a print off his neck

*beep beep beep beep beep*

Lucy- room across, Harper stay here *runs to the room* HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM *points gun at him*
Man- relax sweetheart, put the gun down
Old lady- excuse me what's going on
Lucy- ma'am I need u to stay there , sir come. Forward, enterlock your fingers
Man- let's do this outside

They walk out the room into the corridor

Man- what did u think this would be easy
Lucy- *taxes him* it is now *cuffs him* Harper call it in *cuffs man to pole*
Tim- good job baby *pins her against the door as he makes out with her *
Wesley- u 2 , cut it out

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