the resign and promotion

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Lucy- what's up with u today
Tim- ok, babe I got a patient to go see
Lucy- mk bye
Tim- bye darling, see u later
Lucy- come to mine *winks*
Nyla- when u 2 stop making out we can go backup arrived and u just secured the scene

They go back, at lunch

Lucy- *sees tim-* wait nurses come here to get food
Angela- only just started tbh
Lucy- mm lovely *walks over to tim* hello Mr Bradford
Tim- *turns to her* hey love
Lucy- wanna sit with us
Wesley- *walks over* I'm going to sit with my wife *walks over to ang*
Tim- sure
Lucy- cmon

Tim sits down and lucy was about to walk round to sit on the Chair next to him he pulled her on his lap so she was sat on his lap

Nolan- awhh Sargent chen knows what love is
Lucy- u clearly don't
Nolan- actually I'm dating someone
Lucy- oo lala bet u payed her to date u
Tim- actually uh Wes, I need to talk to u about soemthhign, later
Wesley- ok
Celina- ma'am howmuch longer till I'm a p2
Lucy- 3 months
Aaron- ha sucker
Lucy- #aarongetsnohoes
Aaron- girl what
Lucy- excuse me
Aaron- I mean ma'am
Grey- *walks over* hey ma'am hey everyone
Lucy- take a seat
Grey- lucy I uh I need to talk to u later

After shift tim had told Wesley he resigns as he was becoming a rookie in mid Wilshire, grey retired which meant there was a promotion to be done

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