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The next two days were exhausting and long. They were painful, emotionally for me, and physically for the tributes. Gloss had been working with Glimmer, and I worked with Marvel.

Gloss had been showing Glimmer how to shoot the bow and arrow correctly, without missing. He also got her to do some weight lifting too.

Marvel let me show him out to build a trap, knowing him he will not use them, but it made me feel happier that he knew. We also went over different types of berries, and things you can and can't eat. I told him, never to make a fire, no matter how cold he was. Grab a blanket instead.

And once the physical training was over, we had to train them for camera. Glimmer and Marvel had to know how to act, no swearing or acting stupidly, the entire District was watching and wouldn't be happy if they looked bad.

Marvel was first to be interviewed. He walked onto stage with a confidant dementor. It made all the women in the crowd cheer and scream, I rolled my eyes.

"Our first tribute, Marvel!" Caesar Flickerman cheers. Marvel sat down with him after they shook hands.

"Marvel, Marvel aren't you a strapping young lad, are you confidant?" Caesar asked.

Marvel smirked and winked to the audience.

"You could say that"

He asked Marvel a few questions about District One, and then the question all the boys get..

"Have you got a lady at home, waiting for you to win?

Marvel chuckled and his cheeks blushed for a split second. He suddenly looked nervous.

"I'm not sure if I can say" Marvel grins, looking in my direction. I nod slightly, to give Marvel the okay. It wouldn't hurt everyone knowing, I was just hoping it wouldn't impact his popularity in the game.

"Come on" Caesar laughed, the audience all joined in, practically begging for Marvel to answer.

Marvel chuckled.

"I actually have a fiancée" He finally answered. That made my breathe caught, I still had the ring on that he gave me, but he said it was a promise ring. I felt myself smiling like a goof, I loved him so much..

"Her name Is Rosalind, she's a victor from my District" Marvel explained, Caesar had a pretended shocked look on his face.

"Wow how wonderful, that's all the time we have for Marvel!" Caesar cheered and Marvel bowed a few times before walking off stage, he ran right into my arms, picking me up and spinning me.

"I hope that was okay?" He asked, kissing my cheeks over and over again.

"It was fine" I smiled, Glimmer had walked onto stage now, in her gorgeous dress, she looked like a star. Gloss stayed with Glimmer, so I walked back to the floor with Marvel.

"Marvel, tonight I want you to stay with me" I whisper, holding on tightly to his arm. He nodded. This could be our last night together.

He kept telling me over and over he would win for me, I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe him so bad. But all I felt was hopelessness. That sinking feeling was consuming me again.

We laid together, legs wrapped around one another's, arms tightly secured around each other, and our forehead's resting together, our eyes shut, breathing. I don't think either of us wanted to talk. What would we even say?

"I love you" I whisper once I realised Marvel was asleep. "I'll always love you"


I woke Marvel up early, maybe too early? He was thankful for it regardless. We spent the morning alone in the dining room, eating our breakfast quietly.

"I am going to win for you, my darling" Marvel smiles, reaching down for my hand, he brings it up to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

"Just, try to stay you" I say, he nods, understanding.

Soon, Gloss and Glimmer join us, and we leave for the games. We take them to a jet carrier which will take the tributes to the arena. This is where we said goodbye. Despite all the other victors and tributes being here, Marvel pulls me into a tight hug.

"I love you" He whispers into my ears. I nod, and kiss his cheeks, I wasn't sure if my voice was going to work if I tried to used it.

"Let's go tributes!" A gamekeeper yells. Marvel pulls away from me and steps into the carrier with one last look at me and blows a kiss.. Gloss took my hand and we left, we could now go to our very own security room. The room was wired so cameras would always be on our two tributes. We could also control their sponsor gifts from here too.

Gloss and I got comfortable, it would be a while before the cameras were up..


Soon the canons boomed, and it was carnage. I watched Glimmer and Marvel run with the two from District 2. They had teamed up, and were killing left right and centre.

I watched Marvel kill... I think watching that was worse than me killing someone.

Soon the cameras were quiet, everyone had dispersed, besides Districts 1 and 2. They had the Cornucopia.

Gloss smirked at me, thinking he was so smart because he was right this time. I rolled my eyes, it doesn't matter if I was right or not. Basic survival skills were always handy.

"Look they've build a fire?" Gloss said, almost startled.

"Yes, but they have all the weapons, no one would be stupid enough?" I answer.

Marvel and the other boy; Cato I think, were building up the food supplies inside the Cornucopia, and the weapons were hidden in different boxes. They had a boy with them, from District 3 I believe. He was, doing something to the mines around their camp.

I knew I was crying, I could feel the tears slipping from my eyes, and falling down my cheeks. I couldn't stop them anymore, Gloss didn't comment on them. But he left when it was night to sleep in his quarters and he would come back with food for me, he would sit with me for a little while and watch the cameras. But after a few hours he would leave, probably chatting up the people of the Capitol for sponsors.

And I...

I stayed in camera room, sleeping only when Marvel did, and even then, I woke before he did. I maybe slept for an hour a night? I was so on edge. I could barely concentrate.

They were two days into the games, and they had lost so many tributes. Marvel and Cato kept bumping heads, and Glimmer was all over Cato, and Clove, well Clove honestly scared me. She was small, and deadly.

It was so unpredictable what could happen...

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