Chapter 3

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A few weeks later

So lately Kayla has been acting funny it's like she wants to talk to me about something but she's scared to say anything right now I'm in the house  because Zamora is with her family. I hear Kayla coming downstairs. Kayla: Hey can I talk to you about something important?River: Yeah I've been wanting to talk to you are you okay you've been asking weird these past few weeks: Kayla: Okay so I've been waiting to tell you this for years so please just let me talk: I say nothing and she begins to talk.
Kayla: I'm your real mom like biological mom when I was 16 I was dating your dad and we was having sex and you came along I told "mom" and "dad" and they were mad but let me stay I was scared but happy me and your dad was happy. But things turned after you was born mom and dad wanted to take custody of you and make me act like you were my sister but me and your dad said no. They was talking about how it would be better because then people won't judge us but we still said no then they said they was going to kick us out and call cps and take you from us. We just agreed because we could at least see you but we told them that we have to make all the decisions when it came to your life and they agreed. So after that life went on and if you don't believe me I have proof: Then she showed me pictures of us in the hospital and the doctors visit but what shocked me more was who my dad was. River: o.m.g WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE WE TELL EACH OTHER EVERYTHING AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME: Then I started crying she tried to hug me but I pushed her away.River: no don't touch me: my ears starts to hurt so I took my hearing aids out. Kayla: I know saying sorry is not going to fix it but when you are ready to talk we can but I just wanted you to know that I love you and what I'm saying is true and I've been waiting forever to tell you this: she signed to me. I didn't say anything I just walked upstairs and fell asleep I really wish Zamora was here.

Two days later
I still haven't talked to Kayla but I did talk to Zamora. (Yesterday) Zamora: So let me understand Kayla is your biological mother and the women and man who you called mom and dad is your grandmother and grandfather and they forced your mom to put them as your legal guardians because they didn't want their friends to know: River: Yes and the more you say it the more I'm fucked up about it like its crazy but true and I haven't talk to her like I have questions but I'm just scared,mad, and sad all at once: Zamora: I don't understand what you are going through but what I am going to say is do what you want to do I know you love her and you want answers so go and talk to her and get closure because once y'all talk it may or may not make y'all become closer but at least you have your questions answered but at the end of the day you have so many things going for you like in three day your step competition is coming up and its the finals and in 2 months your graduating and soon your own step team so don't feel down get your questions answered and do what you want with them and move forward with or without I just want you happy but I also know that you really love Kayla:
After that talk I went home the next day and now I'm here ready to talk. River: Kayla I love you you've treated me like a mom and now knowing that you really are I'm speechless and I don't really have questions but the ones I do have are why didn't you tell me when I moved into your house or when I was asking you questions about my grandparents and why didn't you tell me Trey was my dad and where is he because even though they were good to me I can feel hate also being thrown at me by them and never knew why but now I do: Kayla: I didn't tell you because you was upset about them leaving you and you was always so happy when they called to speak to you so when they died I thought this my time but I was thinking about it I was wrong so I didn't I love you and I want you to do whatever you feel Trey was wonderful to you I didn't tell you because they told him not to say anything so as you got other and they told us the back off he left for sometime because he didn't like the way they was treating us and when he did come back he was always your favorite person and I love that but I'm sorry to say baby but he died a year ago you know he joined the army he didn't make it back I didn't go the the funeral because his parents didn't want me to so I didn't and if you ever have questions or want pictures I have them but I wanted to say this now so that you know and understand but I have to as where do we go from here do you want to continue to be here with me or do you want to stay with Zamora for a few more days:
River: Stay here I know it's going to be hard but we got this also right know I don't want to call you mom: Kayla: That's fine: We hugged and I went into my room

How do y'all feel about this chapter
Do you think River should've forgiven Kayla aka her mom

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