Chapter 6

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Next day (She won't have her hearing in all day so they will be talking in ASL)

I get up and do my to routine and good downstairs I start to cook and I feel someone tapping me and I jump. Amaia: Sorry baby me and Zamora have been calling your name and you did respond but we smelled the food: River: Sorry I had on my hearing aids on all day yesterday so I just wanted a break today I forgot to tell her: Amaia: Oh okay w-: then I see her talking probably to Zamora. Amaia: Zamora said she texted your mom that you don't want to wear your hearing aids today and she said to turn your flashlight and vibration on your phone: River: Okay: I do what she said finish cooking and go get them both to eat.

After that I went and got in the shower as I'm up I feel someone touching me I knew it was Zamora I turned around. River: Why are you in here? Zamora: They real question is why didn't you react when I touched you I couldn't been any body: River: Who else your mom has her own bathroom and your sister is in NYC so?be for real papa: Zamora: Shut up but I'm going to the gym today I don't have to work just want to go do you want to come or do you need to go to practice today: River: I have to go in I told coach that I will teach them the moves and her the moves but I won't be using my hearing aids today and she was cool with it and I told her that you are taking me out on a date so I'm leaving early:

Zamora: Good because I've been waiting to go on this date but our schedules are all over: River: me to and don't forget and spend all day at the gym 4:00 okay I have to go to mamas house and change my clothes my jeans that I wanted to ware are over there: Zamora: I'm coming to get you at 4:00: we get out and I heading to practice and she's heading to the gym you may wounded where we are going and we are going to this new carnival that just opened we got tickets and everything I can't wait.
(Hours later)
I finished practice and it's 2:30 I'm headed home now to get ready Amaia won't be home so you already know what we are doing. Anyways I get home and I get in the shower wash up, get dressed and now it's around 3:30 and Zamora should be here soon I FaceTime her but she doesn't answer. River: What the fuck where is she: I call back because I'm worried she's never done this before. It's been an hour and I've called Amaia and she doesn't know and I've called my mom and she said she hasn't heard from her so I get up and go to the gym I hate talking with out my hearing aid so I wrote down everything I want to say to anybody I know that's always there.

I finally get there and I see Jazmine I hand her the note and she nodded her head and pointed to the back. I walked over and I see her laughing and smoking with some of the boys and girls she work with. I seen Sam tap her and point to me she looked at me and the time and her eyes got big and I rolled mines and walked away then I felt her grab me and turn me around. Zamora: I'm sorry baby this morning was so packed with people and we just got some of them out and just chilled Minnie I'm sorry I'll make it up to you I promise: River: no I left work early just to spend time with you I'm staying over for a week just to be with you that was part of the plan if you wasn't going to make it you should've texted me and not leave me hanging wtf Z:

Zamora: Hey don't call me that and I'm apologizing to you mi-: River: Stop don't call me that I'm tired go back with your friends im going home don't call me when you actually ready to go a date and not leave me hanging: I walk away I head home and I took my clothes off I keep seeing my phone flashing and it was her as I was about to go downstairs to make me dinner and practice these steps I see my mom come in. Mom-Hey baby did you ever find her? River: Yes she was still are the gym: Mom: Okay so why are you here I thought y'all had a date or something: I told her with happened. Mom: baby I'm sorry I don't think she did that on purpose you know how much she loves you shit she spoils you so much that if she says no you crying and there is this big boxing match going on at the gym and then you got parents signing there kids up for boxing lessons I saw the signs everywhere look baby I know you wanted to go and she forgot but you can go tomorrow all day y'all don't have to work:

River: yeah that's true I will talk to her tomorrow: we both ate dinner and I took my bath and texted Zamora that I'm sorry and if we can talk tomorrow then I went to sleep

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