Chapter 9

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Next day

I got up and got my day started after Zamora put me to sleep she had left and now I'm just heading there to bring them food and to make sure they aren't hurting my baby. I ordered an Uber and 15 minutes later I finally arrived and when I walked in I see they are just sitting and talking. River: Hey good morning how was everything? Zamora: good I'm tired and sore and hungry did you make us something? River: hey some breakfast sandwiches and some grapes: I gave them the bag and they went in: SRPZ: Thank you: Sam: she's ready we have to more on some of her pushes but she fast and she has a good headspace: I seen Zamora smile. Zamora: Thank you because baby they worked me but I'm going to be at the gym for a few more hours do you need anything?

Pete: you are such a baby she was whining and some more stuff: I seen the shock on her face and me and the guys laughed, Zamora: you said you wasn't going to say anything: Rich: Girl you should know this by now he don't care but we should get started the doors open in two more hours: River: okay I'm going to go just checking on y'all but if you need me I'm going to be at some stores and at the studio: I gave her a kiss and waited for my Uber that she paid for so I can go and get my car:

Once I was home I seen my mom. Mom: hey baby I haven't see you in a while wassup? River: sorry I have a lot to tell you do you have to work today? Mom: no I was about to go to furniture stores to get me a new lamp I broke the one in my bedroom moving to fast and I knocked over it: River: damn wow but yeah I can I ride with you I need so stuff for my studio it has a sitting area so I'm going to fix it up for the parents if they want to stay: mom: that's cute but have you told your coach you are leaving? River: yeah she was cool with it and was proud of me so was the team surprisingly Jade was too but you how she is: mom: I never liked that girl: River: Hey I just wanted to let you know that I'm happy that I found out the truth and I love the bond that we have made:

She smiled and said I'm glad me too then I hear a low beep and I look at the battery on my hearing aids and see that they are low which I hate but it's whatever I go back in the house and put them on my bed and when I get home I will charge them because I will be out for a couple hours and I don't want them to overcharge. I texted Zamora that what happened and I told my mom we head out to some stories and was just buying a lot of stuff and we head to the studio.

(They will be using ASL for the rest of this chapter)

Mom: so what do we start with first? River: okay I'm going to put pictures up you can first up the bathroom: we got started we did the bathroom, we fixed up the parents sitting room until we can get the chairs and couch's. We also got started with still up setting up the website for people to apply for auditions it's going to be at a school gym I'm excited. As Im doing my finish touches I see the lights flashing I look up and it was Zamora. River: hey baby when did you get here? Zamora: just now your mom is leaving she said she's going to charge your hearing aids for you : River: okay so how do you like the studio so far we worked so hard I just can't wait for everything to start: Zamora: it looks good baby I like the pictures of you can the team but I have to tell you something: I kinda got worried I don't know why. River: wassup is it bad? Zamora: not really the fight is moved forward because of this big snow storm that's about to hit I got the call while I was training: River: okay when? Zamora: in 4 days: River: wait what why the snow storm is next week today is only Tuesday: Zamora: I'm fine with it I'm ready and just want it to be over with and focus on making my gym better and getting back in the ring more because I can make a lot of money this is for hundred thousand dollars:

River: well keep on practicing you got this I'm proud of you nervous but I'm glad you are doing something you love: Zamora: that and you: she smiled I was confused but then I realize what she meant. River: your nasty ass: Zamora: that's not what you said last night keep on playing: she was kissing my neck and rubbing me through my pants I started moan but I moved her hands. River: not at the studio papa: Zamora: minnie nobody is here come on: she started again: I laughed and got up and ran outside she was behind me as I was about to get in the car she grabbed me I was laughing harder. River: put me down!: Zamora: why can't I get none? River: later okay but not here come on because I'm ready to go home.

We get in the car and go to her house I said goodnight to her mom and we took a shower and went to bed but I still can't get this fight out of my head

Sorry for not updating I've been tired lately and I just needed some time but I will update when I can see y'all soon

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