Bryanna+Louis! Personal One Shot

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.... Great way to start the day, right? Mini Heart Attacks are a fantastic way to get you ready to face the day! Hint the sarcasm!

I suddenly remembered about my date today. I was going to meet my boyfriend, Louis. Yes, of One Direction.


We met at Starbucks, he was hiding from the paparozzi. He hid at the back booth, my booth. I held in my fangirlish screams as he sat down beside me. I knew it was him, even with the glasses and fake afro. Lets just say that I am a dedicated directioner. "Hey, sorry for intruding, but." I cut him off,"You, you are Louis! Omg, am I dreaming?" "Shh, right now I am Pablo, I am hiding from paps right now. Again I am sorry, but I would rather hide here than in the restroom." I laughed. "Ok, I am just trying to process this right now. Someone pinch me." He pinched me, hard. "Oww, that wasn't very nice!" "Hey you told me too!"

"So, you know my name, what's yours?" Lou asked. "Bryanna." I answered, forget no talking to strangers, this was Louis for pete's sake!"That's a pretty name, for a even prettier girl." "Ugh, that punchline? So original!" I couldn't help myself, wanna know how many times I have heard that one before? "Fiesty, I like it!" Louis said.

I giggled and sipped my coffee.

It went from there, first into a friendship, and then into where we are today.

*Back to the present*

I ran to the bathroom to get ready for my date with Lou. We were going to a secret destination, as he put it. As soon as I was ready, I grabbed my phone and noticed I had two messages, one from Lou:

SassMasterLou<3: Are you almost ready? I will b there in ten. Miss u and cant wait 4 our date! xx

And one from my friend Kaitlynn:

MyFavPersonInDa'World:Have fun on your date with my bro! Good luck! XD

As you can see, they put in their names personally.... Kaitlynn called Lou her bro because they have been friends forever and called each other bro and sis. I was fine with that, Kaitlynn already told me she had no feelings for Lou, and plus she was dating Lou's best mate, Niall.

Soon enough, Louis was beeping his horn outside. Wow, such a gentleman. I opened the passanger door and said, "Ever heard of a doorbell?" "Nope! Now put this on, I am taking you somewhere very special!" He said, handing me a blindfold.

After a 30 minute drive, or at least that's what I thought, we pulled up somewhere and he took my blindfold off. All I can say is Wow! It was the most beautiful beach I have ever seen, it was completly empty though. "Lou, this is beautiful. One question though, where is everybody?" I asked. "I might of rented the whole beach for us?" He said. I smacked his arm,"Lou, you didn't have to do that! Really, you shouldn't have."

"But I did." He smiled and went around the car and got out a picnic basket. "Aww, you are too sweet!" I said, as we began walking down the beach, and he laid out a classical picnic blanket for us to sit on.He pulled out all my favorite foods from the basket and I smiled. He knew me more than anyone else.

"Thanks Lou, you are the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for!" I said, kissing him on the cheek. "Really Bry?That's all I get?" He said, smiling cheekly. I kissed him on the lips and felt the fireworks all over again. I think I found the one for me.

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