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Ashley's POV-

"As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke," My phone blared.

"Yello?" I answered. "OMG!THE FUNFAIR IS OPEN TODAY!" Carrot(my best friend Karli) screamed. "Don't you mean the carnival, and so what?" I said, holding my ear. "Becaauussse, you are coming with me! And One Direction is going to be there!"

"You're kidding." I said, imagining my idols coming to my small town. "Nope, I'm being dead serious. Anywho, I'll be there in 20!" She hung up.

I put on my graphic t-shirt that read, when you see da police, warnabrother. (I spelled that wrong..) I got on some converse, skipped the makeup, and loosely braided my hair. Karli beeped her horn. "Gosh, I'm coming.." I mumbled. I ran down the stairs, and out the door.

I hopped into her car, and she had a huge grin on her face. "Hey!"She said. "Hi, oh, and thanks for honking for me, very classy..." I joked. "Yes, I know." She said, turning on her One Direction cd. "You're insecure, don't know what for..." (You get the idea). We sang, ignoring the looks drivers gave us on the way to the carnival/funfair.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Karli asked. "Ferris Wheel for sure." I said eagerly. "Heights? Oh heck no!" Carrot said. "Split up, meet up here in a half hour?" I said. "Sure, keep your phone on ya!" Carrot called as she headed towards the bumper cars.

I ran over to the ferris wheel, eager to see this place from above. It seemed that the carnival got better and bigger every year. "Excuse me madam, but you need another person to ride with you." The employee said, stopping me from entering the ride.

I frowned, and thought about just leaving, when someone in a hoodie and shades said, "I'll go with her, I don't have anyone either." He had a husky british accent, and brown curly hair sticking out of his hood. I shrugged, and got on the ride with mystery guy. Probably wasn't the best idea, considering I'm stuck in a small place with a stranger, but I had no other choice, and the ferris wheel was sorta a carnival tradition of mine.

We started moving, and I decided to start a conversation. "Hey, I'm Ashley, you are?" I asked. "Harry." He stated. The wind started to pick up, and Harry's hood fell off. Right then I knew who it was, I felt stupid for not noticing it before. "You're Harry Styles." I said stupidly. "Yeah. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't scream in my face." He said, smilimg cheekily.

"Nah, not really in the screaming mood today." I laughed, and he smiled. "I guess I don't really need these anymore..." He took of his glasses and put them in his hoodie pocket. His green eyes sparkled and his toothy smile reached his eyes.

We got stuck. Yup, on the very top. Harry's face fell, and he looked down. Everyone was gone. "Shit. Looks like they went to go see the concert." He said. "What are they gonna do without you?" I asked, thing of disapointed Carrot. But that was the least of my problems right now. "Call them, get someone to come and get us?" I suggested. "Left my phone, thought I was gonna loose it." "That's great..." I said sarcasticly.

"What about you then, can't you call someone?" He said. "Ok, I'll see if I can get ahold of Carrot." I said, and he looked confused, but stayed quiet as I dialed her number. It rang, and rang, and rang, and voicemail. I sighed, and showed Harry. "Lemme try to call the boys then." He said.

I handed him my phone, and he called. "No signal." He stated, and stood up, holding th phone and moving it around to get reception. "That's not going to work." I said. "Sure it-" he dropped the phone. "Definatly have no reception now." I said glumly. "Hah, about that. Listen Ash, I will make all this up to you once we get out of this mess." He said, looking into my eyes.

"Ok, but sit down, this thing is shaking enough already." I said, laughing. He sat down, and asked, "Tell me about yourself, we're stuck here, so we might as well make the best out of it." "My name is Ashley (I'm not telling you stalkers! Lol) , I live in this glorious little town, and best friend is Carrot, aka. Karli." I summerized.

"I have something to add! Also very beautiful and funny girl, who can make me adore her within the first 5 minutes of meeting her." He said cheekily, beaming from ear to ear. "So, about yourself, Mr.Styles?" I questioned. "Harry Styles, live on the road for now, with my boys, and my best friend is Louis." He stated. "Something to add, very cheeky, weird, and can make getting stuck on a ferris wheel fun." I said.

We talked for almost a hour, about just about everything. I saw people pileing out of the stadium, and I nudged Harry. He pulled his hoodie down, and put his glasses back over his eyes. The ferris wheel people helped us down, and didn't seem to notice we had been stuck there the whole time.

"So, Ashley, keep in touch?" He said. "How? My phone is crushed into a million little pieces, remember?" I said. "Give me Karli's number, and here's money for a new phone." He said, putting 500 dollars in my hand. "Harry! I can't take this!!!" "Babe, it's no big deal, plus, how am I going to take you out on a date if I can't call you to arrange it?" He grinned.

"Cocky much?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Take the money." He said simply. I grabbed a napkin and pen by a game, and wrote down Karli's number, and gave it to him.

He brushed his libs against mine, and boom! All the cliche fireworks. His eyes twinkled, and his several curls sneaked their way out of his hood. He looked perfect.

~ * ~

Next chapter will be what happened to Karli/Carrot! What happened at that concert?

Oh, and Ash? Karli said she loves you! And cousin really hopes you like this! I tried to make it, I don't know, different and special. <3 ya and to all my readers, <3 you too, and message me for a One-Shot!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2013 ⏰

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